The Becoming God

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The World Is Learning Compassion

It's not what the world is doing, but what our experience in the world is for. Our experience in the world is learning compassion. The world is not a lesson to us; it is a cultivation. It's like God wondered how to make us compassionate: "I know, I'll give them a world. That'll do it." The world is to us the learning of compassion.

I saw this this morning, and went to my Dr. Frank C. Laubach book, The World Is Learning Compassion (1958, Westwood, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company) I never noticed when I bought it used that it was from the library of Rev. Ray Charles Jarman. He wrote the book The Grace and the Glory of God (1968, Plainfield, NJ: Logos International), which I had on another self. Laubach was optimistic when he wrote his book. Secular government was trying to right the wrongs of the world. So was Jarman. He spent over 50 years as a minister in spiritually-dead Christian churches before he received the Holy Spirit and became a living Christian minister. There is a difference between believing what the Bible says and living what the Bible says--the difference between believing what you've book-learnt and believing to the LIVING of it. Auto-magazine vs. actual rubber meeting the road. Compassion needs to be what we ARE.


  • Hi Dan,
    Can you explain what compassion is? Is it empathy?
    Great blog!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:32 PM  

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