The Becoming God

Sunday, June 02, 2019

A Reply to Anonymous at 1:24


Thank you very much for the post! (The Guy Increasing, May 30, 2019)

You lost me toward the end at: "I want such-and-such . . . what do You want? THAT I will do, praising you for what I want."

If my desires are God's and my thoughts are God's, how can I want anything separate from what God wants?

The Ineffable is exploring/expanding its limitless via the avatars "Dan Steele" and "Anonymous at 1:24" and so forth?

What do you make Neville's assertion that "creation is finished"? That would mean the Ineffable is not making this up as It goes, but there are finite parameters, or perimeter.

Anonymous at 1:24

Dear 1:24,

You got all the way to there before getting lost? I think you did better than I would have. Good job!

I meant we should hang loosely onto what we desire and be sensitive to the leadings of the Big Holy Guy part of our consciousness, which might have better plans for us. It is a whole lot smarter. You want to jump the Grand Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle? Cool. But maybe there is something else you ought to do, something better. Listen before you decide. Or maybe you can do both. Do what the Big Guy wants, and if straddling a rocket still is exactly what you really desire, thank him for the bows you take as though you had done it.

Our field of vision in this bit of consciousness is ignoranced. Sorry, I just like the term. We are bits of God’s consciousness, sunflowers if you would, which have been individualized for a purpose. We are in an improvement program, becoming more like the Imaginer WE ARE PARTS OF. The Ineffable isn’t as dumb as we are EXCEPT for our being parts of It. It is not our improvement he is after; it is His. We ARE him. Separation is an illusion of our ignoranced minds.

Creation is finished because the Ineffable has already determined the end and has imagined it as finished: we in Its final state -- It MANIFESTED. You can drive all over tarnation any which way you want if the determined end is your realizing that you are out of gas. I just made that up, but I like it. Anyway, turning not to the left nor to the right has nothing to do with the road, but with OPINION.

Go back to yesterday’s post, For Success, Sign Up To Be Called (June 1, 2019). Read the verses I copied from Vic Alexander’s translation from the ancient Aramaic. God gives us a mark. This time for eternal life, or this time to the recycle bin. What is the mark? Do you accept the testimony of the Holy Spirit, that we are forgiven in and have eternal life in Jesus Christ? It is just an opinion, or at least a proclivity to an opinion. You might not have the opinion until late, but if you come to it, you were marked for the next phase of eternal life to start now. There is no actual mark except our having gotten to what tips us over. We "died" in Christ Jesus at the beginning of time, and then this, the "judgment" of having believed the testimony of the Holy Spirit unto salvation from the recycle bin.

Belief. That is our parameter. But that is just an opinion.


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