The Becoming God

Friday, March 15, 2019

If "God" is the Powerful Intelligence of Consciousness in the Electromagnetic Field, and We Two Receive and Transmit, Have We Antennas?

We Transmit and Receive Consciousness

I think it is well established scientifically that our bodies, especially the heart and brain, transmit into and receive information from the universal electromagnetic field. We have auras, chi, mental telepathy, miracles, and instrument readings as evidence. Whether this field of consciousness has gained its resident intelligence from the countless trillions of societies which have existed in the universe since the Big Bang, or it simply fields the consciousness of its Creator, is moot. The Consciousness in the field is there, and it is Sovereign God. There is something it wants to do--it has intention--and is doing deliberately.

Important in this is the fact that the Consciousness is conscious of us. Our consciousness is part of its, and we are known by it in real time. We and our bodies exist IN it, in this field, and in the Consciousness's sovereignty. We are altogether part of it. As God’s consciousness we are born here: en masse we suffered one death from what we were to be crucified here (being here is the crucifixion), then live life after life in death unto ascension--a span of "three days and three nights."

I bring this up because I have been reading God's Generals: Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed by Roberts Liardon (1996, Tulsa, OK: Albury Pub./Reprint New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House). There are techniques in the Pentecostal Movement which I associate with the Unity Movement Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, and Ernest Holmes were part of. Both of these movements deal with the ubiquitous, powerful cloud of intelligence we are IN and OF.

Only Believe

Confession, in the sense of believing good and not evil, is a guiding principle in both teachings. What one believes, i.e., assumes to be true, is the operant power of manifestation. "Only believe," say both. Believe, that is, like this: "He was telling me that if I want something, I must now at the moment I want it assume that I have it. I want to go to Barbados/I am IN Barbados. So this night, when I sleep, I sleep in Barbados." That, of course, is a reference to Mark 11:24, and to Neville Goddard's introduction to the technique of prayer he advocated, assumption; i.e., imagination plus faith. "Your will must be being done" (Ferrar Fenton) means God's will IS now done. We are the operant power--the Consciousness who is come! And we may affect our manifestation by believing.

Ignorance is the Devil

Flipping from God consciousness to birth as a human involves forgetting everything about being God. We enter amnesia and take on its resultant ignorance. We are “ignoranced.” There isn't any real Devil except the ignorance we become. And this ignorance, being God as we are, has God's power UNTIL WE OVERCOME IT WITH JESUS, WHO IS THE WISDOM AND THE POWER OF GOD. Jesus is not some man but the goodness in the nature of God. Jesus is a quality of YHWH, the interaction of Yah and his manifestation. It is ignorance of this quality and relationship, due to the amnesia we enter in birth, which harms us. Its stealing, killing, and destroying--futility--drives us to Jesus, who is YHWH in loving interaction with us.

Prayer is Praise and Thanksgiving for What We HAVE: Even Though We Do Not See It Yet, It IS

God's will IS done, as I have been writing. And it is his will to change it!! For in changing it by the assumption of what we desire, we become his desire: the Manifestation of the Ineffable. What he wills . . . IS!! Upon this realization, repentance to this frame of mind, we must for the joy in our hearts praise and worship and adore him with much gratitude.

The Power of the Air

Not the Devil this one. The electromagnetic cloud of Consciousness, Yah, is all about us. It is the power and the wisdom of God . . . in electricity. Believing faith joins our currents--Yahweh. Might it be that in raising our hands in praise, worship, and thanksgiving, we are living receiving units with our antenna up? Might the agency of this loving electromagnetic field can be channeled by us? Why else lay hands upon the sick except for channeling the healing glory of God to them? Suppose it is just natural to be lightning rods for the lightning power of Jesus Christ to God's glory.


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