The Becoming God

Thursday, September 06, 2018

God's Will For Man: A Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way To God

I guess I am way dense and slow. Before I had been accepted by God, in my imagination I came to a state of believing that I would do whatever God told me to do--as though God had already forgiven me. In this assumption I sat waiting for his direction(s). God SPOKE, saying, "Remember this, and it is all right." The acceptance I thought I had now came, and, accepted by God, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. "Ye shall receive the Holy Spirit" means like an open bucket receives water when dropped into a well. I filled up.

Shortly after this, Jesus spoke to me in a vision--in my imagination--and said, "Come unto Me." I found out later that this had been said in Matthew 11:28a. More than a good year later, three women and I were praying before church, and one started to prophesy, "My son," and completed Matthew 11:28b-29. I felt that the former event and this were connected"

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

When Jesus said, "Come unto Me," I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to get to him, which was what he clearly meant. It was not like, "Approach me in prayer," it was, "YOU get HERE." I couldn't figure out how to do it. You know, he a spirit in heaven, me a man on earth. How could I get there?

Dumb. Slow. Unperceptive. Hey, it was the transition into the sleep of death that made me stupid. His death. God is patient and forgiving. It's time I begin to wake up.

He is that state of believing, of assuming existence of what was desired. God is that in continuous action: the Ineffable’s imagination. What he wants is to him existent. "Remember this," was what I was at that moment: imagination in the assumption of existence of what I wanted. THAT is "Jesus." Returning to that state regarding whatever I want is going unto him, Jesus, which makes "all right;" i.e., manifest. That was his direction to me. That is what he wants us to do.

Yes, God was teaching me Neville Goddard’s technique of praying, which was the biblical technique Neville learned from Abdullah--that God is imagination. I was just too dumb to understand what he was saying. God gives us the desires of our hearts, and having them (for we are Its imagination), we HAVE them.

We call it prayer and praying; he calls it life and living.


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