The Becoming God

Sunday, September 02, 2018

If I Were Going to Pray 3

If I were going to pray, I would want to know what I was going to pray about. Life is screwed up, I KNOW that. Illness, injury, loneliness, debt, threat--I can come up with many, many problems. God knows about all of them, and many more that I don't know about.

God does not want us to pray about our problems, but about not our problems; i.e., that our problems are solved. I have this weird belief about Jethro, that he was not a man but is symbolic for God's Excellence which REMAINS. Yes, life has problems, but after the problems are taken care of, it is God's excellence which remains. THAT (!!) is what we are to pray about.

"Let the weak man say, 'I am strong'" (Joel 3:10). Not, "I will become strong," but that the EXCELLENCE already is: "I AM strong!" What is the excellence which remains after your problem is solved? Neville used the illustration of a person who wished to be wed. AFTER that problem was solved, the excellence which remained would be the feelings of joy, pride, of being loved, security, and a ring on the left ring finger. Feel all of that as you fall asleep, he encouraged, and FEEL that ring with your imagined hands in your imagination. THAT'S how you pray about it.


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