The Becoming God

Monday, September 03, 2018

If I Were Going to Pray 6

If I were going to pray, I would look for that one little thing which signifies that I have what I want. I would look to attain that state in my prayer.

I just mentioned that I asked for the gift of tongues and received it through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the consciousness of God. There was something that happened in that session which I am just now coming to recognize after more than forty years of thinking about it. I could not, of course, be accepted by God because I was not fully submitted to him. I considered myself to be the supreme lord of my life. He took me on a tour of how and why I was not fully submitted to him--we investigated all things--and, recognizing that this is HIS life, I did submit.

In that submission there came a moment where I had full awareness of my submission and said, "You are Glorious God; I am a mud-man. Whatever you want me to do, that I will do," And I waited, listening for his directive. I look back on that moment now and realize that, in that I waited, listening for his directive, I ASSUMED that I was forgiven and accepted. That had not happened as yet, but God had not mushed me like a bug, either. That attitude and frame of mind was the one small thing which signified that I had faith that I had what I wanted. That one small moment full of all the tones of reality was real to me. And in some moments he said, "Remember this, and it is all right."

Remember what? That He is Glorious God and that I am His mud-man willing to do whatever He directs, or the attitude and frame of mind that what I want is real and present, thinking from that state?


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