The Elder Serves the Younger
I just noticed another one. In Genesis, God sends Abraham forth from Haran AS AN ASSYRIAN. The Creator God of the Assyrians is Ashur, whom I regard as the Ineffable's imagination or the universal field of consciousness. Moses in EGYPT gets interested in Jethro, the goodness and abundance of God, and God says to him, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (Exodus 3:14 from the ancient Aramaic, per Alexander), in effect: "Matter is serving consciousness like the (Aramaic speaking) ASSYRIANS believe." I.e., that's the way to go.
This is a big hint as to how to understand and interpret the scriptures. In Galatians, Peter plays the hypocrite by having lived "Aramaicly," "according to the Aramaic scriptures," and then in the presence of Jews, according to the Jewish ritual laws. "According to the scriptures," then, was in recognition of the oneness we all share in God as the Ineffable's imagination. In Exodus 3:14, God was saying, again in effect: "I am all of it." THAT is the way to be "Aramaic."
Possibly Awareness is simply the FUNCTION of God. God/Life does what Awareness tells It, via the medium of FEELING. Conditioned Awareness thinks it's separate from God and believes it's more than a function. The Teaching shows one how to become unconditioned, so Awareness will function correctly unto God, based on what IS going on and correct value placed.
The Awareness Function of God is to truly perceive reality/fact and assign the noblest value possible to it. It's potentially worthwhile to check out.
Josh Tilton, at 4:43 PM
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