The Becoming God

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

From Neville Goddard's "How to Use Your Imagination": Walk in Assumption--The Nature of God

"The secret of imaging is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which everyone should aspire, for supreme power, supreme wisdom, supreme delight lie in the solution of this mystery" (Fawcett, cited by Neville Goddard, "The Secret of Imagining").

What is the secret of imagining, the solution to this mystery? The SPEAKER here:

“When He laid out the foundation of the world I was beside Him like a little child. I was daily His delight, rejoicing before Him always; rejoicing in His inhabited world, delighting in the affairs of men" (Proverbs 8:29-31 Neville quoting extemporaneously).

"And as He consecrated the Law over the sea, and the water did not enter into the mouth [of the deep], and as He made the foundations of space, with Him I achieved it. He was happy with me everyday, and in every season I was happy before Him* (NB! Reference to the Father and the Son). I was happy with His entire universe, and I would be glorified through humanity" (Proverbs 8:29-31 Alexander).

This Speaker is Assumption, the Ineffable's Creative Wisdom, the Son of God, His Word. When God laid out the foundation of the world He delighted in what was not yet, His inhabited world (inhabited by God through Him!)--(which are now) the affairs of men (!)--as though they were. This was assumption on the part of the Ineffable. It is through these affairs that Assumption, the Son of God Who brings forth the Father, will be glorified. Ready to Glorify Him?

It was by Assumption that God created the world. He HAD TO create the world--the infinite universes--because Assumption is a part of His very own nature. Also a part of His very own nature is intelligence which is power to become what is imagined by Him. As He assumes, it becomes. He couldn't not do it! When we say, "God desired form," it wasn't an idea that just popped up in His head-ball. Assumption is inherent in His being. Adam's rib that becomes Mother Life is ALWAYS HERE. Thus the Earth is eternal in both past and future directions! The Beginning isn't in time, It is just the Son. The Heavens and the Earth are COMPLETED. Only we are moving. This is something we can't get away from, but we can become more in it by assuming to move the right way.

I propose that the mental attitude of Assumption is the secret of imagining, the Creative Power for Better (Jethro) within us: "If you can believe, anything is possible for whoever believes . . . whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you receive, and it is given to you . . . for Allaha everything can be" (Mark 9:23; 11:24; Matthew 19:26 Alexander, sans future). Assumption is how to use our imaginations to improve the world; Assumption is God we must EXPERIENCE.

"That which was from the Beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we beheld, and our hands handled--IN OUR ASSUMPTIONS--, concerning the Word of life, and the life was manifested--IT WORKED!!--, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare unto you the life, the eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us; that which we have seen and heard--IN OUR ASSUMPTIONS THAT WORKED--declare we unto you also, that ye also may have fellowship with us: yea, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ: and these things we write, that our joy may be made full--AS YOU RECEIVE AND BELIEVE THE GOOD NEWS" (1 John 1:1-4 ASV, interjections mine).

1. "We have given you the hope for the One who Is from the beginning of creation, the One whom we heard and saw with our eyes, saw and felt with our hands, He who Is the manifestation of Life. 2. And Life became revealed, and we have seen and we are witnessing and we are preaching to you Life to the end of the universe*, that which was with the Father and who revealed it to us. 3. And since we saw and heard we also proclaim it to you so that you may have fellowship with us. However, our fellowship is with the Father and the Son Eashoa Msheekha. 4. And these [things] that we write to you, are so that we may all rejoice in fellowship together*" (1 John 1:1-4 Alexander).

So, how do we experience Him? I thought I just told you: we perform the action of assuming--we hear, see, feel the Manifestation of Life of the desired state--i.e., we assume it to be our present and real life.

Well golly, Danny, how do we do that?

Let's take a look at what Neville said in How to Use Your Imagination. You will notice that Neville seldom mentions the word, but he is talking about Assumption, so I'll make some interjections to clarify:

Neville Goddard, 1955


The purpose of this record is to show you how to use your imagination to achieve your every desire. Most men are totally unaware of the creative power of imagination THAT IS ASSUMPTION and invariably bow before the dictates of "facts" and accepts life on the basis of the world without. But when you discover this creative power within yourself, you will boldly assert the supremacy of imagination BY ASSUMING and put all things in subjection to it. When a man speaks of God-in-man, he is totally unaware that this power called God-in-man is man's imagination AS ASSUMPTION. THIS ASSUMPTION is the creative power in man. There is nothing under heaven that is not plastic as potter's clay to the touch of the shaping spirit of imagination ASSUMING.

Once a man said to me, "You know, Neville, I love to listen to you talk about imagination, but as I do so, I invariably touch the chair with my fingers and push my feet into the rug just to keep my sense of the reality and the profundity of things; i.e., he loves death (see the rest of Proverbs 8). Well, undoubtedly he is still touching the chair with his fingers and pushing his feet into the rug. Well, let me tell you of another one who didn't touch with her fingers and didn't push that foot of hers onto the board of the streetcar. It's the story of a young girl just turned seventeen. It was Christmas Eve, and she is sad of heart, for that year she had lost her father in an accident, and she is returning home to what seemed to be an empty house. She was untrained to do anything, so got herself a job as a waitress. This night it's quite late, Christmas Eve, it's raining, the car is full of laughing boys and girls home for their Christmas vacation, and she couldn't conceal the tears. Luckily for her, as I said, it was raining, so she stuck her face into the heavens to mingle her tears with rain. And then holding the rail of the streetcar, this is what she did: she said, "This is not rain, why, this is spray from the ocean; and this is not the salt of tears that I taste, for this is the salt of the sea in the wind; and this is not San Diego, this is a ship, and I am coming into the Bay of Samoa." And there SHE ASSUMED--she felt the reality of all that she had imagined. Then came the end of the journey and all are out.

Ten days later this girl received a letter from a firm in Chicago saying that her aunt, several years before when she sailed for Europe, deposited with them three thousand dollars with instructions that if she did not return to America, this money should be paid to her niece. They had just received information of the aunt's death and were now acting upon her instructions. One month later this girl sailed for Samoa. As she came into the bay it was late that night and there was salt of the sea in the wind. It wasn't raining, but there was spray in the air. And she actually felt what she'd felt one month before, only this time she had realized her objective. IT WORKED.

Now, this whole record is technique. I want to show you today how to put your wonderful imagination right into the feeling of your wish fulfilled--THOROUGHLY ASSUMED--and let it remain there and fall asleep in that state. And I promise you, from my own experience, you will realize the state in which you sleep - if you could actually feel yourself--ASSUME--right into the situation of your fulfilled desire and continue therein until you fall asleep. As you feel yourself right into it, remain in YOUR ASSUMPTION until you give it all the tones of reality, until you give it all the sensory vividness of reality. As you do it, in that state, quietly fall into sleep. And in a way you will never know - you could never consciously devise the means that would be employed - you will find yourself moving across a series of events leading you towards the objective realization of this state.

Now, here is a practical technique: The first thing you do, you must know exactly what you want in this world. THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATE. When you know exactly what you want, make as life-like a representation as possible of what you would see, and what you would touch, and what you would do were you physically present and physically moving in such a state. For example, suppose I wanted a home, but I had no money - but I still know what I want. I, without taking anything into consideration, I would make--ASSUME--as life-like a representation of the home that I would like, with all the things in it that I would want. And then, this night, as I would go to bed, I would in a state, a drowsy, sleepy state, the state that borders upon sleep, I would imagine that I am actually in such a house, that were I to step off the bed, I would step upon the floor of that house, were I to leave this room, I would enter the room that is adjacent to my imagined room in that house. And while I am touching the furniture and feeling it to be solidly real, and while I am moving from one room to the other in my imaginary ASSUMED house, I would go to sound asleep in that state. And I know that in a way I could not consciously devise, I would realize my house. I have seen it work time and time again.

If I wanted promotion in my business I would ask myself, "What additional responsibilities would be mine were I to be given this great promotion? What would I do? What would I say? What would I see? How would I act? And then in my imagination I would begin to ASSUME--to see and touch and do and act as I would outwardly see and touch and act were I in that position.

If I now desired the mate of my life, were I now in search of some wonderful girl or some wonderful man, what would I actually find myself doing that would imply that I have found my state? For instance, suppose now I was a lady, one thing I would definitely do, I would wear a wedding ring. I would take my imaginary hands and I would feel the ring that I would imagine--ASSUME--to be there. And I would keep on feeling it and feeling it until it seemed to me to be solidly real. I would give it all the sensory vividness I am capable of giving anything. And while I am feeling my imaginary ring - which implies that I am married - I would sleep. This story is told us in The Song of Songs, or A Song of Solomon. It is said, "At night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth. I found him whom my soul loveth, and I would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother's house, right into the chamber of her--Assumption--that conceived me." If I would take that beautiful poem and put it into modern English, into practical language, it would be this: "While sitting in my chair I would feel myself right into the situation of my fulfilled desire, and having felt myself into that state I would not let it go. I would keep that mood alive, and in that mood I would sleep." That is taking it "right into my mother's chamber, into the chamber of her that conceived me."

You know, people are totally unaware of this fantastic power of the imagination, ASSUMPTION, but when man begins to discover this power within him, he never plays the part that he formerly played. He doesn't turn back and become just a reflector of life; from here on in he is the affecter of life. The secret of it is to center your imagination in the feeling of the wish fulfilled and remain therein, WALKING IN THAT ASSUMPTION. For in our capacity to live IN the feeling of the wish ASSUMED fulfilled lies our capacity to live the more abundant life. Most of us are afraid to imagine--ASSUME--ourselves as important and noble individuals secure in our contribution to the world just because, at the very moment that we start our assumption (come on, Neville, preach it), reason and our senses deny the truth of our assumption. We seem to be in the grip of an unconscious urge which makes us cling desperately to the world of familiar things and resist all that threatens to tear us away from our familiar and seemingly safe moorings.

Well, I appeal to you to try it. If you try it, you will discover this great wisdom of the ancients. For they told it to us in their own strange, wonderful, symbolical form. But unfortunately you and I misinterpreted their stories and took it for history, when they intended it as instruction to simply achieve our every objective. You see, imagination--ASSUMPTION--puts us inwardly in touch with the world of states. These states are existent, they are present now (Creation is completed), but they are mere possibilities while we think OF them. But they become overpoweringly real when we think FROM them and ASSUME OURSELVES TO dwell IN them.

You know, there is a wide difference between thinking OF what you want in this world and ASSUMING, thinking FROM what you want. Let me tell you when I first heard of this strange and wonderful power of the imagination. It was in 1933 in New York City. An old friend of mine taught it to me. He turned to the fourteenth of John, and this is what he read: "In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also." He explained to me that this central character of the Gospels was human imagination IN ASSUMPTION; that 'mansion' was not a place in some heavenly house, but simply my desire. If I would make a living representation of the state desired and then enter that state and abide in that state, I would realize it.

At the time I wanted to make a trip to the island of Barbados in the West Indies, but I had no money. He explained to me that if I would that night, as I slept in New York City, assume that I was sleeping in my earthly father's house in Barbados and go sound asleep in that state, that I would realize my trip. Well, I took him at his word and tried it. For one month, night after night as I fell asleep I assumed (come on, Neville, preach it) I was sleeping in my father's home in Barbados. At the end of my month an invitation from my family came inviting me to spend the winter in Barbados. I sailed for Barbados the early part of December of that year.

From then on I knew I had found this savior--ASSUMPTION--in myself. The old man told me that it would never fail. Even after it happened I could hardly believe that it would not have happened anyway. That's how strange this whole thing is. On reflection, it happens so naturally you begin to feel or to tell yourself, "Well, it would have happened anyway," and you quickly recover from this wonderful experience of yours.

It never failed me if I would give the mood, the ASSUMED imagined mood, sensory vividness. I could tell you unnumbered case histories to show you how it works, but in essence it is simple: You simply know what you want. When you know what you want, you are thinking of it. That is not enough. You must now begin to ASSUME TO think FROM it. Well, how could I think from it? I am sitting here, and I desire to be elsewhere. How could I, while sitting here physically, put myself in imagination at a point in space removed from this room and make that real to me? Quite easily. My imagination puts me in touch inwardly with that state. I imagine that I am actually where I desire to be. How can I tell that I am there? There is one way to prove that I am there, for what a man sees when he describes his world is, as he describes it, relative to himself. So what the world looks like depends entirely upon where I stand when I make my observation. So, if as I describe my world it is related to that point in space I imagine ASSUME that I am occupying, then I must be there. I am not there physically, no, but I AM there in my imagination, and my imagination--ASSUMPTION--is my real self! And where I go in imagination and make it real IN MY ASSUMPTION, there I shall go in the flesh, also. When in that state I fall asleep, it is done. I have never seen it fail. So this is the simple technique OF ASSUMPTION upon how to use your imagination to realize your every objective.

Here is a very healthy and productive exercise for the imagination, something that you should do daily: Daily relive the day as you wish you had lived it, revising the scenes IN YOUR ASSUMPTION to make them conform to your ideals. For instance, suppose today's mail brought disappointing news. Revise the letter. Mentally rewrite it and make it conform to the news you wish you had received. Or, suppose you didn't get the letter you wish you had received. Write yourself the letter and imagine--ASSUME--that you received such a letter.

Let me tell you a story that took place in New York not very long ago. In my audience sat this lady who had heard me, oh, numerous times, and I was telling the story of revision - that man, not knowing the power of imagination/ASSUMPTION, he goes to sleep at the end of his day, tired and exhausted, accepting as final all the events of the day. And I was trying to show that man should, at that moment before he sleeps, he should rewrite the entire day and make ASSUME it conform to the day he wished he had experienced. Here is the way a lady wisely used this law of revision: It appears that two years ago she was ordered out of her daughter-in-law's home. For two years there was no correspondence. She had sent her grandson at least two dozen presents in that interval, but not one was ever acknowledged. Having heard the story of revision, this is what she did: As she retired at night, she mentally constructed ASSUMED two letters, one she imagined coming from her grandson, and the other from her daughter-in-law. In these letters they expressed deep affection for her and wondered why she had not called to see them.

This she did for seven consecutive nights, ASSUMING TO BE holding in her imaginary hand the letter she imagined she had received and reading these letters over and over until it aroused within her the satisfaction of having heard. Then she slept. On the eighth day she received a letter from her daughter-in-law. On the inside there were two letters, one from her grandson and one from the daughter-in-law. They practically duplicated the imaginary letters that this grandmother had written to herself IN HER ASSUMPTION eight days before.

This art of revision can be used in any department of your life. Take the matter of health. Suppose you were ill. Bring before your mind's eye the image of a friend. Put upon that face an expression which implies that he or she sees in you that which you want the whole world to see. Just imagine ASSUME he is saying to you that he has never seen you look better, and you reply, "I have never felt better." Suppose your foot was injured. Then do this: Construct mentally a drama which implies that you are walking - that you are doing all the things that you would do if the foot was normal, and do ASSUME it over and over and over until it takes on the tones of reality. Whenever you do in your imagination ASSUMPTION that which you would like to do in the outer world, that you WILL do in the outer world.

The one requisite is to arouse your attention in a way, and to such intensity, that you become wholly absorbed in the ASSUMED revised action. You will experience an expansion and refinement of the senses by this imaginative exercise and, eventually, achieve vision in the inner world. The abundant life promised us is ours to enjoy now, but not until we have the sense of the Creator as our imagination--ASSUMPTION--can we experience it. Persistent imagination, centered in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, THOROUGHLY ASSUMED, is the secret of all successful operations. This alone is the means of fulfilling the intention.

Every stage of man's progress is made by the conscious, voluntary exercise of the imagination IN ASSUMPTION. Then you will understand why all poets have stressed the importance of controlled, vivid imagination. Listen to this one by the great William Blake:

In your own bosom you bear your heaven and earth, ASSUMPTION,
And all you behold, though it appears without,
It is within, in your ASSUMING imagination,
Of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.

Try it, and you too will prove that your imagination--ASSUMPTION--is the Creator.

Well, that's the way I read it for the moment. I hope this helps.


  • The girl in his example did nothing prior to sleep. She didn't assume a state and then remain there and fall asleep in that state. She closed her eyes while on public transportation, took in things with her four other senses, and imagined it to be something else. One time. Done.

    And imagining an entire home with all its contents as in the subsequent example is the direct opposite of the keep it simple congratulatory handshake idea. Hmm. Elaborate scene with all kinds of details, or 10-second coming attractions. Which to do?

    This is a great blog BTW!

    By Anonymous Lennox, at 11:52 AM  

  • Lennox,

    In your questions you are hitting at the central point to be discovered: the subjective appropriation of an objective fact. I.e., for a moment, at least, in the subjective mind is the objective "stone" experience. You feel it is real. It might just be the hearing of a voice, a scent, the firmness of a handshake, the feeling of security. Or it might be a whole house with all its accouterments, hiking in the mountains, mom watching you on the swings. The Jews of the season of Grace felt bad for their failures and felt resolve to do right. It isn't a matter of time or number of repetitions. Neville spoke of the power leaving, a release, when the objectivity was reached. Jacob in the dark night became limp.

    The girl on the tram was only there for a moment, but for that moment it was real, for she desperately wanted not to be crying and missing her father. It was a release for her. "Wish well for me, for I want to sell my building." Neville simply assumed he heard her say, "It was just as I wished," with that release, and went on with his day. The SUBJECTIVE appropriation of the OBJECTIVE fact.

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:26 PM  

  • Hey thanks. I guess the next question, and it's really for Neville but he's not around to ask is, which statement is true: Imagining creates reality, or Feeling creates reality, or Belief creates reality, or Representing an idea to Imagination/God/Subconscious creates reality?

    Neville's other example here, the woman who imagined reading two letters for seven consecutive nights. Did she actually sit there in imagination and read. every. word. on. the. paper. (Sounds like mental gymnastics). Or just have a sort of fuzzy image of the letter, feeling the paper in her hands, with the knowing, the gist, of its contents? He never says.

    The girl on the tram maybe didn't need to repeat night after night until it took on the tones of reality because it already had the tones of reality. She did not shut out her senses from the objective world as he usually instructs. She used them. If I wanted to imagine riding in a vertible with the top down, what would make more sense? Doing this is my bed at night under the covers, or sitting outside with my eyes closed on a windy day and using that?

    So maybe we can say it's all about "being there" whether that is achieved through visualizing, or some other means.

    You wrote in another post that Prayer is positional awareness. Makes sense. But then does it really require involvement of the senses? Does positional awareness cease to be when all five senses are not engaged? Either imaginally or actually? If you are a father, when you lie in bed to go to sleep at night, close your eyes and so forth, are you not still aware of being a father? You just think from that state effortlessly. You don't have be doing fatherly things or hearing anyone say "what a great dad you are."

    Is the use of senses in imagining just a tool to help cultivate the positional awareness sought? I ask because some people use only affirmations, and others go on and on with scripting and vision boards all kinds of hoopla.

    I feel like I've had instances of having an objective "stone" experience in the subjective mind, even long before reading any Neville, and these things were never experienced in objective reality. At least not yet. And I'm talking years.

    By Anonymous Lennox, at 2:28 PM  

  • You have quite a few questions here. I try not to write ebooks in the comments section. Perhaps I can address some of these later.

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:32 PM  

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