The Becoming God

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Caused Without Agency: The Evidence that Consciousness--"God"--is the Only Reality

What would convince you that God is real and that Divine Consciousness is the only reality? I suggest that it is demonstation of things caused without agency. No agency of this world, anyway.

For myself, I was in an occult meditation when my mind's eye was suddenly enabled to see in the spiritual realm, and there was a demon. Someone had turned that ability on--had caused it--and it wasn't me, nor the demon. My very close friend at the time had a horrible migraine and blamed Jesus for it (she had been reading testimony tracts and booklets about him in poor lighting): "He caused it, and he can have it!" she flippantly said. And it was instantly GONE. She couldn't make her head hurt! Perhaps here was the origin of "OH. MY. GOD!"

The daydream of Jesus being flogged and crucified was emotional, but then the imaginary Jesus turned his head toward me and said, "Come unto Me," AUDIBLY. Concretely in the hearing lobe of the brain. Looking intently at my own fingertips, the right fingers a tad longer than the left, Charles Hunter asked Jesus to make everyone's limbs the right length, and I watched my left fingertips extend to the same as the right. I did not feel a thing; the arm just extended.

I am not going anywhere.

Creation without agency is an idea I first heard in the movie "Forbidden Planet." The long vanished Krell had so developed their brains that they could create without agency. "Without agency?" the astonished Leslie Neilson asked. Thus the Krell had destroyed each other by their jealous and spiteful dreams.

I found it humorous that while Forbidden Planet was obviously taken from Shakespeare's play The Tempest, they couldn't figure out what had originally inspired Shakespeare. Come on! The play is about "Prospero," obviously prosperity--Jethro--which comes from God WITHOUT AGENCY. Duh.

Thus it is important for us to note needs and imaginings and their correlative fulfillment and unagencied provision. Get beyond "Well, it would have happened anyway," to recognizing that "It worked." For when it works coincidentally--without agency--you have found Him, the Eternal God who has become your own, wonderful, human imagination.


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