The Becoming God

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Demonic Spirits of Influence

I have previously mentioned a "demon" I encountered in an occult meditation. It was this spirit's reality that clued me in to the fact that the world the Bible talks about is the real one . . . and that I was going the wrong way in it! So it was a demon, ironically, that got me saved. Inasmuch as I do not now believe in demons (even the ones I am now dealing with), I need to explain to you why I don't and what is going on with them.

The Ineffable, the incomprehensible Most High from Whom everything comes, is becoming manifest. It wants Its Self to have form. That is a tall order even for a being who already is everything. Think of it--the Eternal, Almighty, incomprehensible and unimaginable Source wants appearance on par with Its invisible Self! You can see the disparity: we ARE its present manifestation, and we are NOWHERE NEAR Its present Glory.

We--"God"--were created and are destined to the end of being the Ineffable Most High's perfect manifestation, but we are not yet perfect. Its--the Eternal's--perfection has been generated and refined from eternity past. That ineffable character is our goal. Its nature has to be built in us, cultivated: our free-will has to find the right choice. Becoming the Eternal is a long process.

The Ineffable Most High has imagined Its final, manifest state, which is Christ risen, from the beginning. We--"God"--are that Christ on the way to becoming fully generated and the Father's perfect manifestation. ESSENTIAL to that generation is our present IGNORANCE. The amnesia is not a mistake, an oversight, or a glitch. Our not knowing is simulates the Divine's free-will.

The world is futile, and we are ignorant, by design. The Ineffable imagined this arrangement into existence for a purpose: nothing instigates mental growth like desperation. Like all divine thoughts, the arrangement is active in doing all His will. It is not going to return void to Him, you know? This does not make it horrible little demonic critters, but a principle. E.g., Mom wanted me to go to church with her on Sundays, but the PRINCIPLE of demonic influence said, "Stay home and read the comics." I'll bet you can find a few examples of bad choices you have made in your life, too. Also, we can see this demonic influence working in whole groups of people.

Fortunately, demonic influence is thought of as a means, not an end. It exists in the context of our becoming CONSCIOUS OF BEING GOD. Our ignorance and demonic influence are things to be overcome. It is our success that is desired by the Most High. Fortunately also, we know these things from the Bible and our own life experiences. While we are still stuck with free-will choice to exercise self-control and faith to achieve that success, bless God we have that self-control and measure of faith and the confidence that the Most High wills us to succeed.

Whether near or far, demonic influences are subject to consciousness, to our awareness of being Lord over them. Be aware of being the high side of the Mind that is YHWH. We are never subject to demons, but suffer in our ignorance and lack of faith. They are only manifestations of a principle, and it is ours to determine the acceptability of its manifestations. Life is compelled by our consciousness.


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