posted by Daniel C. Branham-Steele at
7:26 PM
God spoke to me audibly, so I set out to find what he has said to other people. I found he is in constant transition becoming himself MANIFESTED, and there is nothing other than himself, which makes him us and we him in the process of becoming him. The processes involved in his becoming are complicated to us, but he knows exactly what he is doing and lets us know. Thus I have learned to read the Bible a bit differently than others, and am here trying to get us in sync with his program.
Discovering that God is real and the world is per the Bible (Spirit based, not matter based), I realized everything I thought I knew--my whole secular and religious worldviews--were wrong! Studying the Bible in light of the God I discovered, I have found that most things taught about it are wrong, too. God is right, and the Bible was originally, too, but it has been edited, corrupted, falsified, mistranslated, misread and misinterpreted to mitigate our understanding of its message of oneness. "God is One," includes YOU!!!
Believe that you have it where? How? In another dimension.. where it may or may not ever materialize to experience in this human body? Or believe that it's in some "vortex" (the idea that Esther Hicks took from Thomas Troward because she didn't understand what he was writing)? Believe that it's going to show up in my reality....eventually? Then is it mine...yet? Please note, once again, this "anonymous" is not looking to manifest "stuff." Rather, experiences. Good ones. Reasons to live.
Anon, at 3:28 AM
Thank you for indicating which anonymous you are, and for continuing to read my blog. I do not know if I have just read a lot more Neville Goodard or if I understand him differently because of my experiences, perceptions, and extensive theological background, but when I read Neville and the oracles of the Jews I "get" them. There is a lot of reading between the lines and going with senses evoked. As an aside, I get the most out of Neville's early lectures and his very late lectures--i.e., 1948 and 1969-72. I am rereading Lesson 2 right now. I have always perceived that imagining is of the here and now in its reference. You are THERE and THEN as if it were your very real and present situation. It is in your imagination, but it is a present experience "HERE and NOW."
In my previous ignorance I read Seth Speaks. It almost led me, in my opinion, to demonic possession. I have since read a few sentences of Troward and listened a few seconds to Hicks. And repent for it. I am not interested in voodoo, the occult, nor the doctrines, in my opinion, of demons. Neville was, in my opinion again, a Christian become Pentecostal Jew. He discovered that the Bible is a collection of prayer techniques, and that "Ye shall receive power when the Holy Spirit is come upon you" is a collectable reality--that to hear in the imagination with intense effort to really hear is causative.
Your interest seems to be what to do in the suspense: where is my fulfillment? The answer seems to me to be make sure that you know Jesus Christ, the power and the wisdon of the Father who has become you and is that which beings the fulfillment of your desire. Make the effort to ennoble yourself and be pleasing unto Him. The more you know Jesus the more you will rejoice and adore God who has made you of Him, and the less you will give a rat''s bottom for petty desires.
I am becoming more conscious of God's HIGH calling, that of praying big, for governments and societies. We actually have a world to turn, and it is a bomb about to go off. If ever there was a man I would consider a genuine saint, it was Dr. Frank C. Laubach. I discovered him shortly after becoming a Christian and spent years hunting down everything written by him and about him. I consider him to be my first pastor. I want online students of Neville to discover the power they may receive in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and am rereading Laubach's Prayer: the Mightiest Force. Laubach was a man who lived it and mightily changed the world he was in for the better. If we each had a zillionth of his faith and action, we'd have a paradise.
So anyway, Anonymous, rejoice! And again I say, rejoice! What you want you HAVE . . . in Jesus.
Lectures recently read:
Assumptions Harden Into Fact
The Ultimate Sense
The Forming of Christ in You
The Secret of Imagining
Gifts Bestowed by God
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:53 PM
Thank you :)
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM
If the world is as Neville described it, how could there be any such thing as demons or demonic possession? There is only one source of all that is, and that is God, or "I Am" as Neville said or "The Ineffable Most High" as you would say. Whatever name given, He/She/It is creator (imaginer) of all. So things perceived as "evil" or "bad" or "demonic" are God's creation too. And... everything is exactly as it should be, because it is God imagining it all.
Neville called all the characters of the Bible, including Moses and Jesus Christ, "states." So when you say to make sure to "get to know Jesus Christ," you are saying, in effect, to get to know that state? I'm sincerely confused.
"Petty desires" is a subjective opinion. Desires come from God. How can they be petty?
Confused, at 7:21 AM
I am quite certain that the Ineffable is a lot more than you or I or anyone else in this world--or everyone else in this universe (or any universe)--can imagine or comprehend. While I do not believe in anything like the Satan of Christian myth, I discuss the Devil and demons because they are there. I certainly do not believe in them as Christians do, but I have had to deal with them, my professors have had to deal with them, and there are thousands of years of documented history of civilization having to deal with them. I do not worry about them, I do not give them a thought, because while I know that they do exist, THEY ARE NOT WHAT THEY PURPORT TO BE. Ever notice how no really born again Christian is bound by demons, but people ignorant of Christ are? Satan, our adversary, is IGNORANCE. His "angels" are states of consciousness IGNORANT ot Christ. You might consider states as unfettered imaginings of God. You probably have never considered that these states are animated, that they want to exist. The state of Christ (as well as any other) seeks us. States of ignorance seek us, too. They have opportunity with ignorance and confusion. Even as a Christian you can be so ignorant and confused in some matters as to be demonically influenced. When I recognized once that I was, I simply commanded the demon to leave, and I felt it do so. So in a sense, demons are not anything, but they want to be.
Neville met with spirits in other existences who did not believe in the legend of our world. They called it Woodland. Alternate universes of existences are stacked right here in us. They are states we can mentally dial into. Is not Jesus the end-state intended that we ARE BECOMING? Yet we depend upon Him, on His animated action--power wisely used. Of course demons are subject to Him: their only existence is to get us to Him!! Imbued with the Holy Spirit, the consciousness of God, they have nothing in us. Yes, read the Bible, and get to know the state of Jesus. GET TO KNOW THE MAN YOU ARE BECOMING. Jesus is knowing that you are God. THAT is what the Holy Spirit is trying to convince us of. There is nothing in the world more lovely than Jesus. It is the being that He is that matters, His nature. Do not worry one second about how his name is pronounced. What you know him as . . . that is good enough for the time being. I am certain that when we meet him in ourselves that he will have another name.
Not all desires come from God. He gives us desires, but we have human natures steeped in ignorance whose desires can be worse than petty. Far too often we focus on those unGodly desires instead of those he would will us to pursue.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:20 AM
I get what you're saying (sort of). But it sounds like church and not like Neville. If the Ineffable (though beyond our comprehension) is creator of all, then the Ineffable is creator of our "human natures steeped in ignorance whose desires can be worse than petty."
"Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?" Romans 9:20
Even if devils and demons are "states" seeking animation, they are creations of the Ineffable. To my thinking there is no getting around the fact that God gets all the credit and all the blame.
I don't know what your meaning is by "really born again Christians." The ones I have known all believed the Christian myth. Hellfire, Jesus on a cross, Satan, demons, and so forth. I've never encountered someone who referred to themselves as Pentecostal while believing that "God is your own wonderful human imagination," until you.
Also, you are the first to illuminate for me that states are animated and seeking occupants. I never thought of it that way, and I don't recall any Neville lectures regarding it, but I have not read every last of his hundreds of lectures, though I have read a substantial amount. It makes sense... " Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" ...and "he" is a state. Interesting...
The thing is, all of this is still put in motion, still exists, because the Ineffable made it so. So.. it's all meant to be there. These demonic "states" do not exist to never be occupied by anyone, do they? Unless it's part of the game - avoiding these states. Sometimes I feel like we're in one big video game.
Confused, at 5:40 AM
I am not replying against God nor asking why he has created us this way, I am simply saying that he has. He, God, does get all the credit and all the blame--THAT is why you and I in our His-caused ignorance are forgiven.
There are many Christians who believe they are born again because they have seen the phrase in print or heard it used and figure it must refer to them. There are many "doctrinally" born again Christians who interpret the action of the Holy Spirit in believing in and confessing Christ--faith--as constituting the new birth. There are many Christians who, like myself, receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit in the ecstasy of the new birth and then get side-tracked into fundamentalist doctrines and the Christian myth. I do not blame my environment but my laziness. Christ was there; I didn't go. I pled ignorance, but it was laziness. I knew enough reality from my experiences, though, that I did not give up pursuing their truth, which I knew was not per the Christian myth interpretation. I have kept on fighting on, lazily, but God is merciful and patient beyond measure, not that I haven't tested him.
I do not know Neville to have said that the states seek. They are the Ineffable's powerful imaginings of what CAN happen. Not that the Ineffable wants them to happen, or that they have to manifest--there is a lot we do not want to happen and avoid.
It can be likened to a game or as I call it, a project. The Big Guy wants his full manifestation, and we are Him on the way to becoming it. The ignorance of amnesia is essential to our freedom and development to becoming like him . . . like he became him. The rules are his nature: love, patience, integrity, fidelity, nobility--all that stuff. You want to be sure you are playing the right game. Tagging all the bases and sliding in home don't buy you squat in a tennis match.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:39 AM
I used that quote from Romans in support of my statement that the Ineffable is creator of our "human natures steeped in ignorance whose desires can be worse than petty."
The part where I can't wrap my brain around it is... "we are Him on the way to becoming it." We are Him on the way to becoming his manifestation. I don't understand how we can be Him and somehow be separate.
Maybe it takes many lifetimes to achieve this understanding, and maybe you've had more lifetimes than I. Sincerely. But then again, don't you think that if I'm reading this blog that I'm lead to? So maybe I will grasp it at some point. Maybe that sounds too academic. I was always taught in church that the Holy Spirit "reveals scripture." But then they went ahead and taught their silly doctrine and just said that about the Holy Spirit to support their interpretations against the inevitable "say whats?"
I don't feel bad about "petty desires." I'm where I'm at in this evolution. And I do know that my desires do not break the Golden Rule, as Neville called it. So I'm ok with them. I don't think wanting love, family, happiness and so forth are petty anyway :)
I'm so glad I found your blog, and I don't even remember how I came upon it, and not that long ago either. And I've been reading Neville for 5 or 6 years now. But I know when i first started with Neville your blog would have been even more beyond my ability to understand. I must be here for a reason, eh?
I have a question... do we all each the finish line at the same time? Becoming his manifestation? After we become his manifestation (individually or collectively) then what? Do we continue to exist as individuals, like Neville said, "with no loss of identity"? I can't fathom how that could be possible. Some people speak of an "energy pool" that we all return to. That sounds depressing.. in a way.
"Confused" for the sake of avoiding confusion, at 4:37 PM
Dear Confused,
We are stuck with the postulate that there has never been nothing, because you cannot get Something from nothing, and there is Something. Whatever It is, It is, and we are led to believe that whatever It is WAS invisible and without form. One visible form It came up with is imagination. Its imagination is Its one, distinct, manifest form. Its imagination is OF Itself, but is not entirely LIKE Itself. What Its imagination would BE if it were like Itself It has already imagined. That end-state entails virtues and character that have to be developed. They are the products of generation, of choices and decisions. We are THAT imagination making those choices and decisions to produce the intended end-state--the Manifestation of the Something. There is no separation, we are It in the act.
We are individuals, but I am not sure how individual we really are. We are all of the Original Mind, and totally connected in the oneness. But you eat your Cherrios, and I eat mine. I doubt very much that we all reach the intended end at the same time, or that there is an end to the end. It appears to be a running end, with whatever we are going to be providing the Something various opportunities to manifest Its nature throughout eternity. You can forget about a harp.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:15 AM
Rejoice, and again you say rejoice?
Not to give you cause to bang your head against the breakfast table but.... I just don't know how to go about the day feeling happy when I'm not happy. If I were happy, I probably wouldn't be looking to manifest changes in my life. I really can't make myself feel happy when the truth is I feel the opposite. I can do it, for at most a few moments, if I think about something that makes me happy. But it's the *idea* of that something. It's thinking *of* not from. Thus I always quickly return to sadness. And I have so little time for anything else. You know, being a working stiff. But asking me to feel happy is like asking you to feel like a woman. It's completely foreign to you - because you're not.
May I ask you, why did you marry? Why did you have a child or children? Was it necessary? For your happiness? For you sense of purpose in life? What do you suppose you'd be doing right now if you were alone?
Anonymous, at 4:43 AM
You say we are the Ineffable's imagination "making choices and decisions" to produce a predetermined end-state. I still don't see how the predetermined end-state could truly involve freeform (free will).
Neville called our bodies the "garment of flesh." Do you suppose these "choices" we make, as well as our life circumstances, come somehow attached (predetermined) to the particular garment of flesh? I've always had a sense of oneness in a strange way. As a young child, I would look at the lives of other children. Friends, who seemed happier and having better experiences. I would say to myself, "I wish I were her." And then I would think to myself "well no one but me knows I'm not her." Like.. I wanted a different part, a different role.
And... that concludes all the time I have to contemplate it for this day. Now off to my slavery... I mean... job.
Anonymous, at 4:55 AM
Ouch. Oh, my head! Many years before Neville was even a twinkle in my philosophic eye, I perceived that I was united with Christ by faith (imagination?). The text in my head was "If one died for all, then all died" (2 Cor. 5:14). What connection with the present does a dead person have? What does he or she worry about? All concern is over, as is ambition to get ahead, to exceed others, to beat the rat race. If I live, it is Christ who lives in me, and I live by the faith (imagination?) of the one who gave his life for me. We are not our own, but have been bought with a price--that life--from before that the world was. Everything is from spirit, which is consciousness. In the end, there is only one consciousness, the divine one. Our bits of it are, unfortunately, unlike the initial whole which developed entirely freewill. The ignorance I keep harping about gives us a simulated freewill. It is predetermined that we shall ultimately be Christ, THE Manifestation of the whole, but from the get-go we do not know that, and the ignorance gives us opportunity to discover, to choose, and to be generated unto being THE Manifestation. We are not supposed to be someone else. We are supposed to be LIKE the whole, which is ILLUSTRATED by the symbols in the Bible. The whole is noble; it promises and keeps its promises. Choosing to be noble, loving, and kind in action like the whole is the Christ life. The Bible gives us instructions on how to do that, and informs us that the Holy Spirit is required for their successful implementation. Following them is Life, but YOU have to DO them. I cannot enable you to follow them. For that, you really need to talk to the Big Guy.
God bless your journey.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:23 PM
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