The Becoming God

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Teacups or the World

I know I will get flack for being judgmental in this, but let's just say I am idealistic. In his July 14, 1969, lecture "Imagination," Neville Goddard said he had wondered what he could say about the Law to make it more simple for his students. "What can I say that I haven't said? So I asked the depth of my own being to show me, to show me exactly what I could say that I haven't said."

In the wee hours of the next morning he dreamed he was on a spaceship headed for the moon. He was "reaching for the moon," and he flew right into the moon. Stepping off the spaceship, there were little objects for sale--little teacups and saucers, little plates and ornaments made on earth and placed on the moon to be sold to tourists as souvenirs to show they had been to the moon. They were cheap, made of clay very poorly, "the cheapest of cheap."

Well, practically the dream demonstated to Neville that the spectator needs to enter INTO the images in his imagination in order to cause their manifestation, but caused, the spectators cannot take the manifestions with them (upon passing). You want to realize your earthly dreams and ambitions? That is cool, go ahead and do it . . .

. . . But otherwise, they are as clay. That is what I have been knocking my head against the wall for recently. I think I get what God was trying to show Neville. God speaks in illustrations. Neville had asked the depth of himself--God--exactly what he could say that he hadn't said. I think the interpretation of what he saw was that Neville's students were getting manifestations that indicated they had "reached for the moon" and had gotten there, but their values were off. A better job, an apartment, bills paid: all good stuff, but stuff. Even their health and relationship achievements were all personal. For which God almost forced me to reread Dr. Frank C. Laubach's book Prayer: the Mightiest Force in the World (New York: The Fleming H. Revell Company. 1946).

Forgive me for being perhaps the world's biggest living fan of Dr. Laubach. I searched for seven years to find a copy of Channels of Spiritual Power. My pages of Open Windows, Swinging Doors: Personal Diary of Dr. Frank C. Laubach have all come off the binding. He's the one who taught me Learning the Vocabulary of God. "Do you not see that God is trying experiments with human lives? That is why there are so many of them. He has one billion, seven hundred million experiments going around the world at this moment (1930). And His question is, 'How far will this man and that woman allow me to carry this hour? It can be as wonderful as any hour that any human being has ever lived. For I who am reaching out toward divine sons have not become satisfied yet. How fully can you surrender and not be afraid?'" (Open Windows, Swinging Doors; Glendale: Regal Books--G/L Publications. 1955, page 23-24, parentheses mine).

Prayer: The Mightiest Force in the World is just a much about manifesting as anything Neville ever wrote, but different. Interestingly and pointedly, Laubach never asks for anything. Nothing . . . but the best for the world. Nothing . . . but the best for people--for ALL people. He asks only that God bless people, that they hear Him speaking through him. He offers himself as a channel of God's spiritual power to reach people who are closed to sensing God but open to sensing him, Laubach. You see, Laubach was a big advocate of a sort of mental telepathy, the radio-like transmission our minds make of our thoughts. Our inner attitudes are constantly broadcast from our lives and sensed by everyone else on the earth. While Neville would have us imagine to influence a situation, Laubach would have us broadcast Godly influence. What is the difference? In the first, we are asking God to orchestrate the out-picturing of our inner creation--the state we created. In the second, we are consciously influencing the situation itself--helping others to hear God and helping God to be heard. I get a sense of laying up treasure on earth verses laying up treasure in heaven.

The big difference is "our" world or the world. Laubach wrote Prayer in 1946, right after World War II. The world was incredibly messed up and full of chaos. Almost as bad as it is now. And THAT is the problem I think God was raising with Neville: "Your students are on the edge of worldwide destruction--an abyss--and are acquiring this skill. TELL THEM TO FIX IT!" Imagining the desired end as received and telepathically influencing the participants of a situation are not mutually exclusive. I believe they can and should go hand-in-hand in the saving of this world.

We have a big thing to fix. Enlarge your ambitions. When you pray telepathically for others, imagine a desired end for their situation. E.g., pray that the political leaders on both sides of the situation in Ukraine will listen to God's will as you pour forth that will, AND imagine peace in Ukraine, that the leaders HAVE heard and HAVE elected to follow God's will for peace.

God rewards those who are merciful to Him. Be His channel.


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