Victor Alexander on Maryah And Milta, The Manifestation of the Father:
How do I prove that my translation is from the original and authentic Scriptures that Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) intended for the apostles to preach to the ends of the world?
I've tried explaining that there are some essential concepts that have not been retained by any of the other translations; for example, 'Tla Qnumeh,' or the Trinity (the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit) and Milta (the Manifestation of the Father through Eashoa.) My efforts to demonstrate this have failed to convince most Christians. I don't know if there are any people who believe me on this point, yet it's a central issue of my translation. I have made many videos and audios to explain this.
My new course of action is to teach the Ancient Aramaic language in its sacred scribal form. This is something I haven't done in the past. This is what the Ancient Aramaic Church is going to make as its central focus. There are millions of people that know Aramaic and many millions more that know its derivatives. There are a few people that even know the ancient form of the language, because they have studied it in theological seminaries. None of them understand what I mean by the 'sacred scribal language' or the 'leeshanah Supprayah.' This is not a reference to literary Aramaic; 'leeshanah supprayah' refers to the official and sacred language of the Scriptures. This is the language that Eashoa (Jesus) read from in the synagogues of Galilee. This is something the modern scholars of Aramaic on the web have to come to terms with, otherwise they won't be able to understand my work as a translator.
Here is the heart of the matter: the Ancient Aramaic is a language that has been 'silenced.' This doesn't mean it's been terminated. It means it's been discontinued as a spoken language. It remains as a liturgical language, however. There are certain words that have been 'retired' completely.
The most important of these is 'Maryah'. Maryah (translated as Lord in English and other languages with similar designations) is a term to refer only to Eashoa (Jesus). Here's the explanation: before the time of Eashoa, 'Maryah' was used to refer to the Father (as in Heavenly Father). The word 'maryah' was also used as 'Mister,' as in English. After the time of Eashoa, the word Maryah was retired and could only be used to refer to Eashoa. It was also used to refer to the Father, but now with a new understanding, as Eashoa was the Milta (Manifestation) of the Father.
The word 'Milta' has been retired also. The word originally could mean 'word' or 'verb.' After the time of Eashoa, Milta only refers to Maran Eashoa Msheekha.
I'll continue this discussion in my future audio and video commentaries. I want everyone to understand why the Ancient Aramaic language must be treated as the sacred scribal language and not as a spoken language or literary language. I don't need to prove that the manuscript I'm translating from is the oldest found; archeology is not the issue. I don't need to prove that the manuscript I'm translating from has been sanctioned by any church; doctrine is not the issue. I don't need to prove that the manuscript I'm translating from is in the proper dialect; nationalism is not the issue. The only thing I need to prove is whether or not the manuscript I'm translating from contains the fundamental belief system of the Apostles of Eashoa, the belief system which Eashoa taught. This I've done, even if you take just two words: Maryah and Milta. I have a lot more and they'll be revealed in subsequent commentaries, as I said. If I were to present archeological proof, doctrinal ideas or a chain of authority, it would take me a thousand years and more books than the whole universe could hold. This is what John was talking about when he concluded his Gospel with the following words: John 21:25. 'But there were also a great many things that Eashoa did, that if they were written of one by one, not even the whole universe, I expect, would hold them all.'
Dec. 30, 2013
I believe what you are teaching, regarding the Milta and the Qnumenh
Etsah, at 4:35 PM
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