The Becoming God

Saturday, June 11, 2016

My Crusade: To Correct One Misunderstanding of the Bible - That Imagination Precedes Manifestation

My crusade is to correct just one MASSIVE error people have in understanding the Bible. As I recently said regarding Exodus 3: 14 (, if you get the first concept wrong, you have got the whole Bible wrong in your head. Well, that is what I meant. Get the premise right.

The Bible, of course, starts with the book of Exodus. It really needs to be read representatively; i.e., with everything being representative -- symbolic or illustrative -- of the Truth it is about. The historic Moses was someone else. This Moses is the ignoranced spirit of God who is the real you inside you. You were born here in Egypt in dire circumstances and have been claimed from psychological waters. Your reading this and other spiritual teachings is from your interest in Jethro, God's "jutting over" effect in this world. Ruminating mentally on this stuff, God speaks to you, Moses, telling you who he is and what he is doing, and it isn't "I AM THAT I AM."

Neville Goddard not withstanding, what God says is that he is you -- as your imagination -- becoming into this dimension, that imagining is how he is doing it, and that what is imagined becomes manifest.

Yes, it doesn't look like that in the Bible, but the Bible doesn't look like it did to the "Moses" who wrote it. Fortunately, our friend Moses wrote another book, Genesis, to explain it. By the way, the one MASSIVE error I am trying to correct is not that the Bible is not a history, nor that it is symbolic and entirely psychological, not even that reality is non-dual and not dualistic, that we are one with God; it is that IMAGINATION PRECEDES MANIFESTATION. We are supposed to know this.

Genesis starts with that which was before the beginning creating God, the Heavens, and the Earth. That which was before the beginning was the Imagination of the Ineffable Most High God. Its Imagination is Its Son and Its Form, Its Image, Its Power, Its Wisdom, and Its Intelligence. The Ineffable Source has nothing to move, but it has imagination -- It DREAMS. By Its dreaming it has created all things in THOUGHT. Manifestation takes awhile. This is "nature." The natural process is thought becoming manifest. This is why confident people succeed; why what we fear comes upon us; why what we plan to do to other people happens to us, why "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

This is why Moses gave the illustration of Adam and Eve. It isn't about a guy's rib being made into a woman. It is about consciousness, awareness and manifestation. Adam is God's life-force, consciousness. Adam's rib is thought, desire, his will for something to exist. Eve is the power that thought has to become manifest or "living." This isn't even hidden -- all you have to do is translate the words and apply a bit of perception.

The Intelligence of the Ineffable Most High God has the power to become manifestly what is thought -- something out of the No-Thing. Concretized imagining! It thinks It is, and becomes -- is -- what It thinks It is. This is the faith of the mustard seed which believed it was what it was. Hello, Big Bang -- the imagining of matter to facilitate experience of all things imagined!

Inasmuch as we are God (in, of, through, and to), let's dream of the beautiful as It does and apply our life-force consciousness toward it. The world we are in is the manifestation of God's unconditional love, so please, forgive as he does and think well, benevolently, to all.


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