The Becoming God

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Saddest Thing I Have Ever Seen


The last few days have been a mix of hearing good things and seeing some of the saddest things in my life. I had in my youtube suggestions a link to "It's Supernatural" by Sid Roth. On the good side, Richard Mull and Mark Virkler described how to hear the voice of God -- the same way I do:

1. Get quiet, like being alone, in the still of the night, or in the shower;
2. Fix your mind upon the things of God, what Jesus has done for you, what you've been reading in the Bible, or some question you have for God;
3. Focus on the images that come to mind, the flow of thoughts that you think or remember, the evaluations and impressions you receive (these are usually things that you see in your imagination, illustrations that your imagination's voice parses; Moses tended the "flocks of Jethro," that means the flow of YHWH);
4. Write the things you see, hear, and understand in a journal.

I liked that these regular dualistic Christians are hearing God and are teaching others how to hear, also.

But I just about break down and cry when they still describe Jesus Christ as standing NEXT to Christians. The irony of teaching people that God speaks and is spoken to through the imagination without realizing that God IS the imagination is just beyond me. Jewish/Christian dualism just rends my heart. Worse still, these people are in constant conflict with "the enemy," the devil, without figuring out that the enemy is our own IGNORANCE. The attacks are constant because we are constantly stupid. Duh.

I am recommending these to you for consideration regarding the things you are missing. One thing that comes up in them is what were you doing/what was going on in your life when the accident occurred? Another thing is negativity, cursing with a mouth (mind) that is for blessing. I'm learning here, too.

So, for your consideration:

Mark Virkler's Message in 8 Minutes: 
Mark Virkler on Sid Roth:
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice:
Mark Virkler on Healing:
Healing Part 2:
Heal the Heart 1:

Rebecca Greenwood on Stongholds of Ignorance and rejecting what is delivered in life ("I didn't order that"):


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