The Becoming God

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Just Like Neville Said, I Will Bet That Inside You Feel About Twenty Years Old

In a number of lectures Neville Goddard said that after you die you find yourself restored to terrestrial life as a person just like you were in this life, but at about twenty years old. That has bugged me and countless others. Poof! and I am a twenty-year-old with no childhood? Do I now have a false memory of my childhood? What are the children in my life now?

Neville outlived a number of people whom he visited again in their next lives, and they were about twenty years old. My favorite of this type of story was when he was with his sister, I believe, and Jack, his former secretary whom he had buried. It escaped his sister's memory that Jack had died and had been buried by Neville, and there she was WITH Jack, whom she recognized, and Neville recalled it to her memory. How had Jack, who had recently died, gotten to be about twenty years old at that time?

A) When you die has nothing to do with when you are born. It is not sequential. You could be born next on any planet in any of its ages. Jack might have been restored to a childhood years before his death. Maybe that doppelganger is you! (Hopefully we all will graduate from this cycle of births into the next sphere of experience where we die no more.)

B) If Neville met these passed persons in a dream state he might only see them as twenty years old in their lives, without regard for whatever time it was in our time frame.

C) How old do you feel inside? When we are born we suffer complete amnesia as to what we were before. We are still the same people, but have forgotten everything we knew. We learn progressively, but how old is the subtle inner man who is our imagination and the spirit of God? I am now over sixty, but he is about twenty years old. As I reflect on my younger years, when I was just a kid I felt like I did when I was twenty. I was just less learned. The inner man does not change, does not age. Like the lady said when asked how she got to be 112 years old, "I just got old and couldn't help it." Outside. Esau. The inner man, Jacob inside, he was still about twenty years old. We learn to act our age culturally, but inside we are eternally about twenty years old.

I do not know if He is ever going to change.


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