'Abraham' Does NOT Mean The Father of Many Nations (Edited July 28, 2016)
'Abram' means Exalted Father. That is God in you. It is a state. 'H,' the fifth letter in the Hebrew alphabet, symbolizes mercy and grace. Put into 'Abram,' the name still means the Exalted Father, but now that state is full of Mercy and Grace. So the state of Abraham means Merciful Father or Gracious God -- the God of Love, therefore he shall be the Father of the Multitude, or, of "Many Nations." Because of this quality you become aware of, of love and mercy, you become the Father of Many Nations. The change in the nature of your state has a consequence!
I just happened to listen to Neville Goddard's lecture "Imaginal Acts Become Facts" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN7lDWP9gT8), and at 1:25-30 minutes into the lecture Neville explains, "(the state of) Abraham (is) the Father of the Multitudes" (parentheses mine). Who is the Father of the Multitudes? The Merciful Father is the Father of the Multitudes. Get it? Abraham, the Merciful Father, is a state you and I pass through. We take on the attitude, the persona and roll of being the Merciful Father to Multitudes. We are imbued with love for others and act mercifully toward them. It is a state we get into mentally and emotionally, and this state is instrumental in our becoming spiritually restored to youthful fruitfulness and bearing -- entering into -- the state of Laughter. From this our inner man, Jacob, segues to Laban for enlightenment as to how to pray effectively and returns as Israel -- prevailing to be God ruling as man. Yes, the Bible is history -- YOUR history. It is the history of our psychological growth into the mature emanation of the Eternal Source.
From Victor Alexander's translation of James from the ancient Aramaic:
James 2
21. Was not our father Abraham made righteous through works, as he raised his son Isaac to the altar? 22. You can see how his faith led to his works, and through the works his faith molded him. 23. And the Scripture was fulfilled that said, “It was that Abraham believed in Allaha, which was reckoned to him as righteousness,” that he was called Allaha's Mercy, “Av-ra-him.” * 24. You can see that it was through works that a human being is made righteous and not through faith alone. 25. Likewise, Rahab the adulteress, was it not through works that she was made righteous, that she received the spies and got them to escape by another route? 26. Whereas the body without spirit is dead. Likewise the faith without works is dead.Footnotes: *2:23 Aramaic name: “The Father is Merciful.”
and from his translation of
Isaiah 41
Who called the generations from the beginning? It is I, I am the Lord, the Beginning and the End, it is I."*5. "The islands saw me and the outskirts* of the earth feared me; they succumbed, made offerings* and came." 6. And a man helped his companion and to his brother he said, "Be strengthened!" 7. and the carpenter encouraged* the smith, who flattens with the mallet and works it, saying, "The seams are beautiful,"
and they fasten them with nails so as not to move. 8. "Now, Israel my servant, the Ya'koob* I chose,
the offspring of Abraham my kin,* whom I strengthened. 9. "[Whom] I called from the edges* of the earth and its [outermost regions]* and to whom I said, 'You are my servant, I chose you; I did* not denigrate you.' 10. "Fear not because I am still with you, and do not stammer because it is I* who am your God;
*41:8.1 Lit. Aramaic name retained: "Jacob." *41:8.2 Lit. Aramaic idiomatic term: "Rakhmi": "one who loves me" or "one who has mercy on me."
Proverbs 8
17. "I have mercy on those who have mercy* toward me, and those that seek me find me.18. "Opulence and honor are mine, and the ancient possessions and the righteousness.
19. "And my fruits are better than precious gold and my treasures* [are more] than choice silver.
20. "I walk through the path of righteousness and the avenues of judgment.
21. "And to surpass the expectations of those who [show] me mercy, and I shall fulfill their ordination.
Matthew 12
1. At that time, Eashoa was going around [some] farmlands on the Sabbath, and his disciples got hungry and began to squeeze the heads of grain and eat. 2. The Pharisees, however, seeing them, said to him, "Behold, your disciples are doing that which is not Lawful on the Sabbath." 3. He told them, "Did you not read what David did when he became hungry, and those that were with him, 4. "How he entered the house of Allaha and ate the Lord's bread of offering, that which was neither Lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him? 5. "Or did you not read in Scriptures, that the high priests in the temple absolve the Sabbath and they are not cheating? 6. "However, I am telling you, there is someone greater than the temple here.7. "Or if you knew what it meant, 'Mercy I desire, and not sacrifice,' you would not have held accountable those who were not cheating. 8. "For the Son of Man (David, the Christ, our actions) is the Lord of the Sabbath" (parentheses and emphasis mine).
See my post: "If You Appreciate the Messiah, Be Merciful to God . . . Your Lowest Neighbor, 'the Poor'" (http://imagicworldview.blogspot.com/2016/11/if-you-appreciate-messiah-be-merciful.html)
Note that they call upon the Son of David to save them; e.g., "Have mercy on us, son of David" (Matthew 9: 27) That is us! Our human actions are the "son of David, the Christ." We are the ones who save! Not our flesh, but our inner spirit, our imagination. THAT is God.
Came into this same understanding of Mercy and giving. Just minutes ago that Abrahams name means father of mercy or abruham avaruham life of mercy. And that laughter is a key expression of life, Isacc. I'm glad this has been placed on someone else. Thank you for this post and clarity. May you have peace.
Unknown, at 3:55 AM
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