The Becoming God

Thursday, December 10, 2015

An Interpretation of Neville Goddard's "How to Use Your Imagination"

Note February 18, 2018 post: Sensing the Presence of God as the Secret of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagining Technique (

My transcripts of Neville Goddard's 1955 recordings How to Use Your Imagination and Mental Diets and the article Secrets of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagination are this blog's most popular posts
 (,, and, respectively). I am not going to go over these texts here -- you can read them on your own, but I think I can tell you what Neville is trying to say especially in How to Use Your Imagination.

When he says, "It never failed me if I would give the mood, the imagined mood, sensory vividness," he is talking about awareness of the concrete reality of the "imagined" scene.

"Whenever you do in your imagination that which would like to do in the outer world" is about awareness of this seemingly concrete (though imagined) world.

"The one requisite is to arouse your attention in a way and to such intensity that you become wholly absorbed in the revised action . . . and . . . achieve vision in the inner world" is about having awareness of the "physical" qualities of the state you desire as though it were your present reality.

"Persistent imagination, centering in the field of the wish fulfilled, is the secret of all successful operations. This alone is the means of fulfilling the intention" (emphasis in the original). I.e., awareness of the wish in its fulfilled , concrete state is the key to manifesting that state in physical reality.

One has to become aware of being "there" and experiencing what is wished for after it has become . . . as though it had become . . . before it has become! It is a physically post-state consequent to what is purposed (wanted/desired) that is to be imagined.

The idea is to become aware of being there. E.g., you want a promotion, so be aware of people congratulating you for the promotion received, or be aware of doing the work you will do consequent to the promotion. Or you want a spouse or a relationship, so you feel the ring you would wear and/or the feelings of pride, security, joy, comfort, satisfaction, etc., you would feel after the wedding or in the relationship. Become aware of the end of what you intend and dwell in that state. (It is my hypothesis that that is what Genesis chapter one is all about -- God imagined the end, and we are on the way there being generated to the end state he [we] imagined).

I posted the following comment on my Secrets of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagination article:

"The thing you are here looking for is awareness. While you are "imagining" the state you purpose to manifest, become aware of being in that state. Become aware of it in the sense of knowing that you are there and it is real and concrete. Neville speaks of sensing the location and experience you want in vivid, three-dimensional reality. He means to become aware of it. "Feeling is the secret"? He means awareness is the secret. Know exactly what you want, go into that sleepy, drowsy state just before sleep, and become fully aware of the state you desire. What you would do and hear and see and feel, were the state you desire real, become aware of doing. Become aware of the reality of the unreal, and it will become real.

"First, you do it in your imagination, but you are aware that you are imagining. You are seeing it from a distance. Do it again more aware of being there, more really experiencing the senses. Do it again sensing your reality there with concrete tactile sensations. Do it again aware that you are thinking from there, where you are going and are, for the moment, mentally existing.

"Neville said to do everything in love. Aim for the benefit of everyone aware that we -- God: the Heavens and the Earth -- are all one. It is an imagic world."

-- Dan

I am possibly here going to help you more than anyone else ever has. Neville taught you to go into a sleepy, drowsy state approaching sleep before visualizing what you desire. In that sleepy, drowsy state you are to feel yourself lift off and float free of the conditions of your daily reality that evidences that you do not have the state you desire. Your assumption concerning yourself lifts off the rocks of "Facts" that hold you aground, and you are free to float to whatever condition you want your reality to be -- you become the Creator of a new assumption which will progress into manifestation in time.

That is real good, but have you ever heard of descent? No? Well, I did not just make it up, but I did recently remember it (it took me forty years, but oh well). Descent has everything to do with awareness. Eh, tell you what, let's give it its own post:


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