Creation is the Demarcation of Divine Compulsion
Have you ever read Genesis chapter one? God has no eyes, ears or mouth. He sees, hears, and speaks by imagining. He imagined the earth, the seas, the land, the animals and man. After the demarcation of what was to be manifested was the compulsion of everything -- compelled under his orchestration, his invisible influence -- to manifest what he had determined. There was Christ risen, so he is risen. Same Christ as he who is within us. Our being risen as him is our destiny; an inescapable compulsion.
Creation is the demarcation of divine compulsion. We demarcate what is to be manifest, and God orchestrates the demarcation's fulfillment by compelling the world to facilitate that moment. DO NOT FORGET THAT IT IS A MOMENT. Acquisition is transitory: "Tomorrow is another day," and what is gained is futile. So, onward and upward in our thoughts, efforts, and expectations.
God has demarcated our final state, and we are under compulsion to fulfill that moment. As this world's futility becomes clearer, our interest, I think, shall wane as we desire more and more to absolve ourselves of concern about it and abdicate from involvement with it. "What God is doing" shall become our mantra and only interest. And what God is doing shall become our only effort, til we become as he.
Note that what we imagine now initiates compulsion. That is, imagination with intention. Things go better with a plan, because when you plan, you imagine. Still better if you have a strategy, because when you work up a strategy, you imagine. A goal kept before you will help, because you imagine it. Pray, because when you pray, you imagine. When you imagine a state you desire, you can move in your imagination to the state you desire and experience it in your imagination as though you were experiencing it in reality. If you can fall asleep in while experiencing that desired state in your imagination, so much the better, because so great demarcation calls for more compulsion upon the world to manifest your purpose
What do you want to be (as in become)? Stop thinking that you want to become that, for if you WANT to become, you will always want, for that -- want -- is what you are imagining. Think, rather, of what you DID become. Create that in your imagination.
Very nice observation. Thanks for sharing!
I've found your post, because I was pondering over the compulsion of the "Source" to create, to expand. All of it by its very nature, by a fundamental behavior, which starts of without any complex motivation or any deliberate agenda. It's emerging out of the eternal chaos, trapped in the first infinite loop. This loop being the original quantum of all it is becoming. How this trait of this original compulsion is inherited by every dimension it expands into.
Every new dimension it becomes, becomes the stage for yet another and within each stage are infinite manifestations of quanta of all previous dimensions. The constantly expanding complexity reveals new methods and new reasons to combine all the previous elemental configurations and the compulsion to expand is unceasing.
Imagination can never exceed beyond that which is imaginable, but it can scratch the shell of all that was possible. And through the thinned hull it sees what was needed to forge the language for the ever growing verse of becoming.
I believe that creation has long since reached a point when it can transform and extend components or quanta of its latest dimension to facilitate the quantum for the next stage.
I believe the soul is such a quantum, infinite due to its internal, perfect harmony. This Earth is the platform upon which souls can interact and are offered to act beyond their internal perfection in order to connect and explore the solution to reach perfect harmony among themselves, building the quantum for that next dimension that is to come. Just as compulsion dictates.
However, while each soul represents an infinite aspect of the source that must not or even cannot be dismissed, old souls may not yet include ideals that allow them to connect to other souls. To achieve such an internal expansion of an already perfect unit can only happen by its internal consent. Such expansion cannot compromise this internal harmony of a soul, but has to sit just right. It cannot be contrived from the outside.
The Earth we experience now is most likely tailored to push these old souls gently towards just such an internal augmentation. It is meant to let them understand both the need to alter their ideals and nurture their will to modify them. The simple mission to collaborate is just not enough. Some old souls choose to surrender their ideals to those of common "authorities", while others cannot let go of theirs and choose to take advantage of others instead. And thus this world tumbles through an ever more aggressive chaos, seemingly exhausting all possibilities on how to inspire those souls to break open themselves with a new understanding.
It won't let up until this has been achieved. For this appears to be according to the compulsion of the source to create.
There are among us newer souls, souls that have already stood the test of how we can combine and find true harmony between us to weave this next quantum. Their "blueprint" may be what some call "Christ consciousness", designed to connect, able to transform adversity into a pattern that does not stray from what some call "unconditional love" and does not imped its own nature or that of others. These new souls may mingle here to inspire, to guide and to help. But they must experience the same circumstances these old souls are exposed to. And it is a tremendous challenge alone to wake up to their given capacity and recognize this responsibility and how it manifests within them.
We are meant to turn this world into the kind of perfect heaven we already have within ourselves, regardless what batch of souls one belongs to. For this, again, is the compulsion of the source to create and expand.
But, well, I was wondering what other observations are out there regarding these thoughts of mine. It's wonderful to see that there are some!
Well, it took you 8 years to receive a comment on your post, hehe. But here it is!
Thanks again and Kind Regards,
Taron, at 3:37 AM
Thank you. I just received this comment as I am heading out the door. Very interesting and astute. I'll take some time to read and reread what I think is spot-on.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:22 PM
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