With thanks to Gani and Jesus of Nazareth: How Christ is the Serpent, the Deceiver of the Whole World
It is not apparent that the young man has dropped a little too-much acid or puffs weed for breakfast. It does appear, though, that he is sincere and highly impressionable. And a spiritualist. Spiritualists are those who deal with disembodied spirits, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing and the like. They would say they deal with the occult. Christians would say they deal with the demonic. I told Gani Jesus is dealing with the fruits of dualism.
The Devil is in dualism. No, seriously. There is no Devil, no Satan, and no demons of course. . . except that we have forgotten that God is one, with ourselves and everything else included IN that one. We have ignorance from amnesia, and THAT is our adversary. It is not that we ourselves have forgotten, it is that Christ forgot when he became us, and his ignorance is the Devil, the Serpent who deceiveth the whole world. All of this takes a little explaining:
Everything seen and unseen, from the ineffable Source of the Source to the innumerable quarks of all universes in all time, are one transcendent thing--one transcendent Being: the Becoming God. The Ineffable No-thing is beyond description, but It desired form. Desire is imagining, and the Ineffable's imagining is Its action. This action has the power and the wisdom to accomplish all Its will. It is Power that is intelligent, and It knows what to do. The Power is not going to manifest the Ineffable's form "over there"; It is manifesting the Ineffable in form--emanating Itself. This is Christ: the Power that is intelligent which has become us.
"I don't look like Power that is intelligent." No, you don't, but you are. This Power at the beginning created God--the Heavens and the Earth. It created them by imagining that It was them--countless myriads of consciences imagining whatever the Ineffable would desire and innumerable respondent particles facilitating those imaginings. We are those consciences of God--of Christ--who imagined being man and have been facilitated.
Problem: how can one be Light, Life and Love and yet become the experience of man in this particularly dark plane of existence in order to elevate it to the pure state of the Ineffable? We had to forget what we are as God to be what we are as men and women. The Power in us has forgotten! This will get you dizzy trying to figure it out: Infinite God Who knows, and infinite God Who doesn't.
Fortunately, God can have his cake and eat it, too. Christ ignoranced works to fulfill the Ineffable's desire. We are born into this world sensing only ourselves and develop dualistic worldviews--however they are composed. We are separate from everything named, and if we should discover God, he is separate, too. The divine power of Christ--imagining--works, but we do not perceive it. We fear and dwell on things we either want or do not want, and they become. But the ignoranced Christ can only manifest as high as it can see--otherness instead of oneness: other spirits, other voices, other minds. The ignoranced, dualistic Christ is the wisdom of God, the "Serpent," who deceiveth the whole world.
It works, so we believe that we have found Him. It is called religion. I believe Jesus found that this Christ works and has bought a lot of stock. I do not blame him and he will probably have great dualistic success (he certainly has tapped into a great brand). I wouldn't give five Obama cents for it. I eschew religion. God SHOUTED to Neville, "Down with the bluebloods!" Down with thinking you are something you are not. Down with thinking you stand on your own. Down with thinking there is "other." GOD IS ONE!
There is no "Him" out there. What is out there is the rest of us, the infinite and eternal one, and It includes Christ who hasn't forgotten that he is God. If you never yet have, accept that Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior WITHIN you. We belong to him, because we ARE him: "our own, wonderful human imagination." When Adam did he was imbued with a conscience of right and wrong. Adam is an "everyman," an example for us all. God can't do much with us until we have a conscience, Jesus. And when you have a conscience of love and right and wrong, learn to practice revision. You will succeed, because the Ineffable is praying for you: "This day you will be with me in Paradise."
Hey, Gani, isn't that YOU? (The word 'gani' in Hebrew means "my garden.")
You are very wise my friend! Thank you for explaining such difficult subjects with finesse.
Miss G, at 2:31 AM
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