The Becoming God

Saturday, May 02, 2015

The Jewel in the Box

This story was shared by Marshall P. S. Wu in Michigan Today (University of Michigan, Summer, 2000). There are a number of ways to take it (see below).

"In ancient times there was a wealthy man who possessed all the blessings and trappings of wealth, yet still felt empty and unfulfilled. One day he gathered his family and announced that he was traveling to a faraway place in search of a great treasure. He left the next day, journeying many thousands of miles and experiencing all manner of tribulations. Finally, he found the treasure he sought--a precious jewel sitting in a beautifully ornate box. Overjoyed, he picked up the box and became fascinated by its tremendous appeal. Consumed by his preoccupation for the box, he cast the jewel aside and returned home with only the empty box."

Wu describes this as a tragedy, and I follow his inclination. We think the value of the jewel was missed. Mentally, I liken it to becoming engrossed with religion--a box--and missing the oneness of God that is in it. My lovely wife says no, the man already had all the trappings of wealth and was yet unfulfilled. The box gave him joy and fulfillment. The value of the jewel was superfluous to him; it was the joy of the box that he wanted and needed. It was the treasure to him.

I still think the value of the oneness of God (not knowledge about God's oneness, but the experience of that oneness--of being it) is the jewel missed. We already ARE one with God; it is awareness of this oneness we need to discover and are in this life journeying for. All the trappings of it, including knowledge about it, will leave us unfulfilled until we actually find and enter into that experience.


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