The Becoming God

Friday, May 15, 2015

Seeing the Silence Neville Goddard Kept Telling Us to Enter

ADDED MAY 22, 2015 12:48 AM:

The Silence is where there is no sound and no voice in thought. Just being--unconditioned awareness of being. You do not just sit there, you un yourself. Then you float . . . aware only of being. THEN you think about what you want to be and become that.

I have been thinking about the higher self, the still-smart God side of the "ignoranced" consciousness we are. In case you just tuned in, God is e'had--myriad consciousness/spirit (Deuteronomy 6: 4)--the Power and Wisdom of God (Christ) which became each of us. Christ became us by our spirits (actually him) imagining that we were the human physical us, thus annexing the brain. We "flipped" from thinking as spirit into thinking as humans and being us.

Well, that is the thing: our THOUGHTS are a constant stream of distracting chatter that keeps us thinking that we are the human us. We are actually the higher self listening to it.

In meditation we need to exercise the mindfulness of just being in the moment, of just hearing what is around us as data in the ear, of just feeling what touches us as data on the skin, and just letting the thoughts we hear in our mind be data that occurs there.

Behind the sounds of our thoughts is a silence where our higher self is. The noise of our thoughts is a cloak, a facade--"Ha ha, you can't see Me, because all you can see is your thoughts."

Let the thoughts come, but pay them no mind. Go into the silence behind them as the higher self that you are. Be that, and then imagine the future you desire as if it were received.


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