The Becoming God

Saturday, May 09, 2015

It isn't "Wishful Thinking": YHWH, the Pattern of You, is the Ineffable Ordering the Universe

Elohim is a well known Hebrew name for God. It is--and isn't--plural. It references that which is "Over the Flames," which is what it means. God--singular--is that which is over the flames. His spirit (consciousness), which has become our conscious awarenesses of being---plural--are the "flames." Elohim is one thing that ends in a plural.

I have long conceptualized another well known Hebrew name for God, YHWH, to be like that. 'Y' the ineffable God--singular; 'H' his will to manifest; 'W' his power and wisdom to manifest; and (a slightly different) 'H', his manifestation in us--plural.

So I asked the expert of the ancient Aramaic language, Victor Alexander, if YHWH could be construed as a plural-ended word like Elohim.

No, said Mr. Alexander. It is singular. It means He Becomes.

I knew that. But then a light went on in my head. OH! It is still the pattern, but from another angle. As Neville Goddard always said, "When it works, then you have found Him." When what works? What does "When it works" mean? He Becomes!!! When He Becomes, you have found Him!

Here is the big, springy-worm that is hard to get into the can: because we are one, imagining is both his and ours. Our imagining is His, and His imagining is ours. He is imagining our imagining. Our imagining is independent, which is what He is imagining. Springy enough?

YHWH is the one who spoke the world into existence and ordered it by faith. And we are Him. There is nothing but God in the universe. There is Him and us, "us" being everything, and we all are one. And we all are becoming. It is called "Now."

We are all constantly becoming. His becoming THIS form was from OUR imagining, for our imagining IS the Ineffable. THEREFORE, our imagining is not "wishful thinking," it is the ineffable, Most High God ordering the universe by our word (thoughts/beliefs) and faith (confidence).

Our imagining is the many fingers of God redirecting the world. The matter of the universe, it turns out, is intelligent. I imagine a thing, and the many "fingers" of the Ineffable orchestrate its becoming. What's becoming? My imagination's becoming into manifestation. And when it--my imagination--"works" by becoming, then I have found Him . . .the ineffable Most High God to be my own, wonderful human imagination.

Thank you, Vic and Neville.

And, dear friend, be artful and noble in what you imagine. It is prayer. What you desire and intend and believe in prayer will become if you have confidence in it. It isn't wishful thinking--it is the Ineffable ordering the universe, so believe well.


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