The Becoming God

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Bible was Written as a Success Manual

Ah ha! It certainly took me a long time to figure out that the Bible was written as a success manual. We have got Napoleon Hill's and myriad of his copiers' Law of Success manuals which simply mimic the Bible's Principle for Success: the Law.

The top thing on Moses' list is having a sound theology: "As the beginning were created (by the Ineffable's imagination) the Multi-One Consciousnesses in Minds and Bodies" (Genesis 1: 1, paraphrased)--the One manifest as many!! This is that God's imagining. We are that One, and WE are doing all of this by our concert of Ashur imagining. Ashur was the ancient Aramaic name for the Triune Creator God. Our minds are Ashur and WE are doing all this by OUR grace, unbeknownst to us . . .

. . . because we flipped to zero--complete amnesia/ignorance of what we actually are--and are recovering the whole of what we were WITH human individuality (which we had not) to complete, conscious awareness of our Godhood. The Bible is THE success manual to fully recovering/developing God's character: the Law--which we left to fetch man to it--the Holy Spirit in full facility of the Oneness.

The Spirit that we are inside is the Tree of Life depicted in the Kabbalah. All of its qualities become manifest in our ATTITUDES. THAT is where success is--in the imagination. That is the source of life in us: the consciousness, "spirit."

Attitudes which are the Tree of Life are the Door to recovering Ineffability. Napoleon Hill didn't offer that. The Bible, the success manual par excellence, does. So here is the Bible's success formula: the Holy Spirit.

I know that it is difficult to stop misreading the Bible. It does not help that it is mistranslated and mispurposed from end to end. Get what you can in this lifetime and be up a bit in the next. We are all here for the three days--the perfect and complete time to achieve success--the six thousand years from sleeping in Adam to our resurrection in Christ -- which can be any amount of "real" time. Over time the Holy Spirit within you, who IS you, will answer all your questions and will lead you to THE success.

Respond to God's call to begin on the road to our predestined success: "Come unto Me."


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