The Becoming God

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Ransom I have found: "Thou hast become me."

"A Ransom* I have found" (Job 33: 24; Bullinger).

*Ransom: an Atonement, a covering by shedding of blood, or the price of expiation, or atonement.

The name Job means, "Who is my Father?" The answer is found in the Fatherhood of God. "I have sinned"--this recognition and repentance is "the end (intended) of the Lord" (James 5: 11), when one realizes how great and merciful the Father is and how short of that one falls. The atoning "shedding of blood" is that loss suffered by the Father when he gives up that life to take on this life: "Thou createst and becamest me, and against Thee only have I sinned."

Whoops. Wait a minute. That means that I am--we all are--the Father.


When you need salvation, provision, help in any sort of way, "Who you gonna call?" The Kingdom of God is within because the King is within.

"Ou, ou, ou. Where is He in me?"

What have you got there? Your imagination and "me." All three of you are the same guy, Dad.

"The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which every man should aspire; for supreme power, supreme wisdom, and supreme delight, lie in the solution of this great mystery." Imagination is the Jesus Christ of scripture, and when you solve the great mystery of imagining, you will have found the cause of the phenomena of life. Imagination is called "Jehovah" in the Old Testament and "Jesus" in the New, but they are one and the same being. Divine Imagination, containing all, reproduces itself in the human imagination; therefore, all things exist in the human imagination. When you solve the problem of imagining, you will have found Jesus Christ, the secret of causation. --Neville Goddard, The Secret of Causation


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