The Becoming God

Friday, August 08, 2014

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. The World is Imagined, the Work of the E'had God, Which is the Imagining of the Ineffable God

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the world is imagined. It is imaginal. The E'had, God (Deuteronomy 6: 4), is thinking it. Their thoughts are forming it (E'had is a conglomerate of consciousnesses, all together: "Jehovah/Joshua/Jesus"), and the life-force the world has is the power of their thinking that it is alive. "Spirit" is imagination. We are not just spiritual, we are imaginal.

Yes, we are real. Real imagination. You have at your hands a potter's wheel. Potter, in Hebrew, means imagination. Your wheel is for your purposes. You form your pots, and, if you please, keep your hands off of my pots. We are all together working our own pots.

The E'had is the level or state of God created by the Ineffable's action of imagining. Neville Goddard in Unless I Go Away discusses a vision he had many, many years ago. He saw an enormous field of enormous sunflowers. The sunflowers were all fixed in the ground, and each had a human face. And they swayed in rhythm to the wiles of the Ineffable God. Whatever it thought, they thought; all of them together. If one smiled, they all smiled. If one frowned, they all frowned. They all followed the Ineffable.

The Ineffable's imagination is a "potter." Its desire to have form is Its imagining. We spiritually are the form under construction, the insides of us, taking shape after the likeness of the Ineffable. Each "sunflower" in the E'had is a potter, also. Each imagines and forms its "pot" on its wheel, imagining whatever they are all imagining. They are imagining the world. The world is imaginal. A kajillion consciousnesses in the E'had, the imagination of the Ineffable, are imagining it, each at its "wheel." And they become us.

Individual awarenesses of consciousness become convinced in dream that they are the human us. We each are a sunflower at its potting wheel of imagination. The inside man is the clay.

It is an imaginal world. We imagine, and our pot on our wheel takes form, subject to the E'had, which is subject to the Ineffable. We are all one.

Sometimes the E'had, which acts in concert and is all together an individual consciousness, gives ignorant us flags that the world is imaginal. We think we are sick, and that God (the E'had) can heal us, and they do: they think us well. And we are suddenly well.

We are here to learn how to imagine individually as the Ineffable. Not fixed in the ground like a sunflower and following the Ineffable Sun after our nature, but independently, freely, after our own character. These stages of potting are all the work of the Ineffable: It desired form, and all these stages and formings of character through works of imagining ARE IT. There is nothing in the universe but the Ineffable, and that by Its imagining. And by Its E'had's imagining, and by our imagining. Our consolidated imagining is Life to all that is here in response to our desire to have form.

Otherwise everything is dead. Matter without imagination is dead, lifeless, purposeless. It only has life and purpose according to the imagining that thinks it is alive. Think, form your "pot," and it will become as far as the E'had agrees with the intents for the Ineffable's form. The Ineffable wants you to recognize that the world in imaginal. THAT is why we get miraculous healings. They are just a change of thought in the E'had.

What are you thinking? That is your pot on your wheel, and it is under your control. Try this experiment: determine with faith what your will is, and see if it does not become. You want a car? a house? a job? the experience of fame or wealth or health? Remember, you are only working your pot. Believe that what you desire . . . is. You want a 100 thousand dollar a year income, you HAVE a 100 thousand dollar a year income. 200 thousand dollars a year? You HAVE a 200 thousand dollar a year income. Work your pot: imagine you HAVE the car, the house, the job, the income or whatever. Imagine that you are where you want to be, that you are whomever you want to be. You want your daughter to be happily married and secure and loved and successful, a star or a successful gardener, imagine YOUR part in that as though your part were absolutely true. It is. Be happy. Imagine, and give what you imagine Life by believing that it is alive, and see if the E'had doesn't agree and it becomes alive and true in your life.


The E'had is the Image of the Ineffable, which has imagined it according to Its own nature. There are countless billions of stars in countless billions of galaxies, and ALL are being imagined to life by the E'had: "He made the stars, also" (Genesis 1: 16). Those wondrous pictures from the Hubble telescope of clouds of gas forming stars which some day might have planets like ours, the formation of life there is now being willed by the E'had, the out-flowing of the Imagination of the Ineffable.
 O Ineffable, Most High . . . . . . "What is man, that Thou art mindful of him?" (Psalm 8: 4).


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