Esoteric Christianity: Neville Goddard's Ten-Second Salvation--Double Theredom. 2nd revision
I say, "almost," because Neville left out an important part of his prayer process, a crucial step which I will explain in a moment. He did, however, say that he spent all of about ten seconds to render aid mentally to the woman, a woman who simply attended his lectures and who he considered a friend. He knew exactly what the woman wanted, for that was fresh in his mind from reading her letter, and he was already in his big easy chair, so he simply sat back and relaxed, brought her before his mind's eye and heard her say that everything had worked out exactly as she had requested. He felt that it was done and then went on about his business, never giving the matter a second thought until a few weeks later when he received her letter of thanks. Talk about "easy salvation."
I caught what was unsaid by Neville as I listened to Audio Enlightenment's presentation of Your Faith is Your Fortune, which some saint placed on YouTube. In the moment that Neville sat back in his easy chair, I believe he performed what he describes in chapters 1 through 3 of Your Faith is Your Fortune, which was this: in a few seconds, he went back to zero.
Back to zero? Yes, back to the unconditioned awareness of being, to being God Most High, because no man can sew a new patch on an old garment. We do not create the situations we want from the situations we are in, but from the situation God is in. God is unlimited potential; we, not so much. We pray to God that he may alter our situation and deliver us from however it is screwed up. Our deliverance is God's becoming of another state of us. Us reimagined.
The new state will be from him, and will be him. There is no separation. Go to God, but do not be separate; it is, "He who believeth on 'Me,'" "Except ye believe that 'I am He,'" and "Who can forgive sins except for God? . . . but so that you may know that the son of man is authorized on earth to forgive sins . . .”
Whoa. Wait a second. Only God can do it, and the son of man is authorized to do it. That is great, because that is us! We are the son of man. We. Us. We are authorized to forgive--to erase--to end the screwed up situations here and to replace them with new creations. We are authorized, empowered: "Because as for the Father there is Life through his trinity, so also He has given the Son Life through his trinity; and his work is to be also to judge, since his Son was a human [being]" (John 5: 26-27, Alexander translation. See also Deuteronomy 30: 14; Psalm 82: 6; and Ecclesiastes 3: 11--the Eternal Son is hid in us, as us).
Yes, I am fully aware that he was speaking of Jesus Christ . . . who is God in us. We are each an Esau body and a Jacob spirit--the Son who is Israel--God ruling as man (literally 'God's Prevailing'). That IS what the Bible is about, isn't it?
The situations we find ourselves in may not have good potential, and we ourselves are limited by amnesia of our potential, but God Most High, the unconditioned awareness of being that He is, is unlimited potential. The end we desire shall be God's manifestation, not ours. When we relax, in a flash we can recognize that we are He who is emanating. We can go back to "zero," to being unconditioned awareness of being--Eil Shaddai.
Our present condition is an old garment of God's, an old wineskin. We put off the old man and let these old, cursed conditions go to their demise (death), and accept new, living conditions--God's new emanation "garment." It is all at God's level. We must be born again from on high.
So when Neville sat back in his overstuffed easy chair, he let go of his present condition and "floated" in the state of being unconditioned awareness of being--formless light aware of being but not aware of being any thing at all--with all the potential to become the woman's salvation. Then he HEARD her say, "It is done." Confident that that was created and that God's Manifestation would not, could not fail, he went on about his business.
When you want to create a situation, know exactly what you want, be still and relax, knowing that you are God--the unconditioned awareness of being--assume that standpoint and feel the joy and satisfaction, relief, etc., of being God's manifestation of that thing you desire, until you feel the virtue of its existence. Then, drop it. The seed is planted. If you, O God, plant a seed, you will enjoy its harvest.
"Before the world was, was the Manifestation, and that Manifestation was with God, and God was that Manifestation" (John 1: 1); "Seek ye, first, the Kingdom of God, then all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6: 33, "then" in the original).
This is a very important question. If you are going to plant a seed, and the seed will reproduce after its own kind and will become your manifestation, what do you want to manifest as?
Neville often used his own experiences as illustration. For instance, when he was in Barbados and wanted to return to New York but was at the bottom of a long waiting list, he went down to the dock and witnessed the passengers' process for boarding the ship he would be taking, for that was what he wanted to manifest. They had to board a tender, the little launch that took them out to the ship, and then carefully climb up the gangway onto the ship. They all stood by the rail looking wistfully toward the shore and waving to their loved ones whom they were leaving--the bittersweet of "I am leaving. Good-bye."
At home, he lie down, went to zero and brought the scene to mind. In his imagination, he, with his little family, stepped from the launch onto the gangway and, holding onto the salty handrail, climbed up to the deck and turned around to wave to the large, loving family he was leaving, feeling all the bittersweet emotions of going home--and leaving home. This he did over and over until he felt that it was as real as his actually being there. And then he fell asleep.
The next thing was a phone call from the steamship company telling him that they had room on the next ship out for his family.
I am under no illusion as to the fact that the Goddard family was one of the wealthiest and most influential families on Barbados who regularly conducted business with the steamship company, and that Neville's brother Victor might very well have intervened on his behalf, but this was just one of many such instances used as illustration. The point is that exactly as he imagined, God manifested, and it happened "Oh, so naturally." Over and over and over again. Our natural life should be a miracle life, an ecstasy of "floating" on God's Word.
This is also a very important question. You do not want God to manifest you as wanting to be healed or desiring to become rich, but as healthy and having. "You can have anything you want . . . as long as you don't need it" (Joe Vitali). At least in your imagination, be healed, because you do not want to create the seed of needing or wishing for a thing.
It is just imagination anyway, so why not imagine the having? What feelings would you experience if you had? Isn't that what you really want? You probably do not want the job but rather the pay, the satisfaction and the respect. "If I had such-and-such job, I'd buy that house." Fine. In your imagination, at zero, enjoy walking around your house with the satisfaction that you have the job. In reality, perhaps another job, a better job will show up; but you will still get the house that you wanted, but rather than needed, enjoyed.
Comments would be welcomed.
Yes yes.
Anonymous, at 8:45 AM
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