The Becoming God

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

An Explanation of the Burning Bush, Exodus 3:14

So my bible walks up and opens itself to Exodus chapter three and says, "Eh, you wanna look at Exodus 3:14 again?"

Says I, "Nah, I'm already working on the Burning Bush being a euphemism or metaphor for Mystical Calvinism. Moses looked at how our lives recur, branching out time and time again in new tracks of experience, challenge, and development from our one childhood. We have many lives which each at their culmination begin a new branch from same childhood. Isn't that wild? Because they are all imagination, one on top of the other, even though they are sequential in development, they are all lived simultaneously in time. This idea is quite enough for me to be working on and thinking through right now."

"Just thought maybe you'd like to look at what the Bible says," says my bible.

"Hmm," thinks I. "Neville did talk about being restored as a twenty-year-old in the same life after we 'die,' but he also talked about the possibility of being restored to a life in the year one thousand, two thousand, or three thousand; or maybe on some other sphere. Maybe Moses saw the branches branching out from a deeper trunk than just our childhood."

"Jethro," said my bible.

"Ah! Right. Moses was investigating God's excellence. Oh! That's what you mean by reading what the Bible SAYS. Hiyeh isn't God's excellence; it is God ITSELF!! THAT's the message in Exodus 3:14: 'My becoming -- the Creative Imagining of the Ineffable -- is HIS becoming.' Oh, Goodness. ALL the branches of imagination ... ARE GOD."

I had misread the Aramaic Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh of Exodus 3:14 (Alexander) to mean God (Ahiyeh - "I come") becoming Jethro, His Excellence (hiyeh - "his coming"). What the Bible actually SAYS is that Jethro, His Excellence's becoming, is God's becoming. I had reversed the pronoun references.

There is all the difference in the world in that! God the Father, which is the consciousness of the Ineffable, is individualizing Itself (Neville, 1963, "Where Are You"). Each individualization is a branch of GOD. You could look at it as His Excellence (speaking as the Angel of God) identifying with life-bearing planets or their individual persons or the persons' individual tracks of spiritual development -- it's all God, the Father. I.e., His action, YHWH, is HIM. "I have said, 'You ... are God! (Elohim)'" (Psalm 82:6). It is loud and clear in Exodus 3:14. He wasn't kidding!! Moses saw "Jethro" as Life's outworking to Its destiny in all dimensions -- the "Bush" which couldn't be consumed.

"Yep! Thank you very much," says my bible.

"Thank YOU!" says I.


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