Heading For Healing 33c: The Symbolic is Illustrative of the Real
Unlike some of my ilk, I believe in real human history, our shared physical experience. Dimensional "historic" reality is, in my view, going along with the bigger reality of all manifest states being imagined by the Ineffable No-thing we are--it just takes a bigger God to accommodate both, and I believe God is real big.
Thus in Heading For Healing 33b, I speak of Satan, God, and Jesus Christ as real people. But I recognize that the STORIES we have are symbolic representations illustrating both the physical realities of historic events and the spiritual "etheric" values they manifest. May I say that in reverse? There is the reality of the Consciousness of the Ineffable No-thing, there is Its imagined state and Its historical manifestation, and there are the symbolic stories written to illustrate both the historic manifestations that were and the spiritual realities they manifested. I didn't say that it is simple.
What I am saying is that the great redemption illustrated symbolically in the Bible has behind it a much greater spiritual reality. It reflects an actual state of God Almighty, the result of Its Self-generative actions: for Itself, It has eliminated ignorance. For ourselves, not so much, but it is extendable, available, and destined to us. Ultimately, the Divine Mind is our reality.
If we could look at a cross section of the Consciousness of the Ineffable, we would see that the Ignorance vibe has been eliminated completely. No more interference and distraction from it. Doubt, corruption and rebellion will not easily raise their heads again, except as we go through further refinements and create them. There is a challenge there! We have to apply ourselves to faith. Don't give Satan an inch! "Begone! I AM healed!"
I’m enjoying reading your thoughts and experiences in God. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 4:15 AM
Thank you, Anonymous 4:15. Following the development of the Eternal God, that we might be the true manifestation of Him, well, He has been here, done this. The states we experience are ancient and eternal; He is already the end. The redemption worked in Jesus Christ two thousand years ago existed "before that the world was"--new to us, old to Him. The states "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him," are PREPARED--they exist already. He gives us, "Where do you want to live?" The ability to do it is in the imagination.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:11 PM
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