The Becoming God

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Dear Messiah (That’s You!), the Son of God is Man, and the Son of Man is God--What Makes Us Them is the Holy Ghost

"God became man that man might become God." I have heard it hundreds if not thousands of times. "Heresy!! Man will never become God! Where does it say anything like that in the Bible?" You know darn well that Adam, literally "the Blood of the Divine," was the Son of God. And you should know that Jesus, his son, was raised a Life-giving Spirit--God, and we in Him. John 14:20 should make it clear: "In that day you will understand* (know), that I am in my Father and you, you are in me and I in you" (Alexander).

There is no separation between us. The idea of separation is the great error, the heresy, the abomination, and the apostasy. There is no forgiveness for separation. William Marrion Branham noted that the Pentecostals on the day of Pentecost were the JEWS who were gathered at Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost. The 120 gathered in the upper room were Pentecostals, but with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon them they became the Church of the First Born, the born-from-above Imagination, the Eternal Body of God

I have called myself a Oneness Pentecostal with the caveat that we are included in the One. The "I am in Him and He is in Me and I am in you" tells me that there are not three tiers in the One, there is only one. It is a single tier system--there is only one level. YOU are in me, I am in you, and GOD is in all. We--you, me, and all y'all--are the Messiah--Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: the Father is the Son, and the Son is the Father--we are all three. THAT is what this is all about. "Christianity" means "I" am the Messiah.


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