The Becoming God

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Insights on Progression from Siti


I read your comment to anonymous of your last post on August 23. I read it again a day or so later and just had to let it “marinade”. I came back to it again today.

Your comment, “It is not that we are God, it is that God is us. He is manifesting Himself. That is what we are...Himself”! The verse John 8:24b “Unless you believe that I am I, you shall die in your sins.”
I’m not sure but I thought I heard Neville say something to the effect that “sins are unfulfilled desires”...imaginations (edit: see Neville Goddard, A Lesson in Scripture).

I used to run marathons on off-road trails along hills, valleys and streams for 22+ years. The most important things to have on hand was water and packets of chocolate with nuts. Many times the sweetness was hanging on bushes along the trail that nature provided as well as the water coming from streams or creeks.
This activity provided for me clarity of thought in my day to day dealings in this world, but also clarity and insight into His word...revealing to my heart the ability of Him within me.
“Unless you believe that I am I, you die in your sins” (Alexander). I remember thinking “I can’t even run the length of my driveway”...but I did! Then it was, “what about to the end of the cul-de-sac”?...I did it, yay!
This increased to the point of receiving an invitation to run “Boston Marathon” all expenses paid.

The thought that always prodded me was something Jesus said in Luke 18:8, “when the Son of Man comes will He really find any faith on the earth? That verse has grown on me over the last 45 where my relationship in Him is more of knowing Him now rather than believing in or of Him. I’m not saying that running marathons was a desire, but it helped my attitude in dealing with Alzheimer's that my mother was afflicted with. Exercising faith was/is a daily occurrence whether it be the ability to run distances, or the ability to deal with the disappearing of another human being.

The verse in John 18:6 also says,  “I am I” they went to pieces and fell to the ground. 7 And again Eashoa asked them, “who do you want?” But they said, “Eashoa the Nazarene.” Eashoa said to them, “I told you that I am I. And if it is me that you want, let these [others] go”.
I know that Jesus came to fulfill the scriptures...a desire of the Father and this scene had to to be fulfilled. I couldn’t help thinking that He was procuring these soldiers to follow Him at the same time...and giving them a choice by saying “I told you that I am I. And if it is me that you want, let these [others]...(thoughts/carnal/flesh thought) go.”

Maybe that’s being “far fetched”, but that ran across my mind. I think it takes faith to believe “that I am I”...or to imagine. So, I agree when you say “developed imagination is going with me, only what we have become goes with us, and hopefully, love is what it does.”
I can see and agree with the following paragraphs in the rest of your post, where aspects of it continue to float or marinate in my mind.
Thoughts that Jesus spoke out when He said, “I am not of this world”.
I find myself becoming more and more.



Thank You. Deeply insightful. Like running was/is for you, I find it helps to let my mind distract to hear from God. It is when I am doing things on automatic, you know? Like showering or dishes or gardening. Brother Lawrence stuff. Anyway, I hope you do not mind my posting this email. Reading it, in my mind's eye I saw God leaning over to Satan a la Job, saying, "See? I did it again." I.e., you are as beautiful to God as Job was. Thank again for being you and sharing your becoming.

Dan Steele


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