The Becoming God

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Neville Goddard's "The Secret of God" Hits the Nail on the Head -- Siti


I’ve listened to "The Secret of God" more than a few times. It is a very powerful message. I relished and am soaking up his thoughts and understanding of scripture. I was reminded when he mentioned how people can imagine for many things from the unseen realm and then turn around and allow the world to sell them insurance on what came from God! My dad use to say, "Many Christians in their ignorance slap God in the face morning, noon, and night with their unbelief."

Neville talks much about creating/imagining a world or state you desire to live in or be as. The persistence or commitment one needs to assume and remain steadfast in doesn’t leave much room for anything else.

I’ve been making time for doing that three times a day, and I have received the benefits he talks about, especially when he mentions or talks about “feeling the end result” or living in the end. I don’t think I would have this understanding so clear to me, if I had not the example of my dad’s life before me. I say my dad, but it was both my parents. Dad was more verbally expressive regarding faith than mom, who expressed by doing quietly.

I liked your last entry, "On Neville Goddard’s Lecture, 'The Secret of God,'" and read it several times as well, and each time I get that sense..."this is what it’s all about," and it settles very well within if to say "this is the way, walk ye in it." Am I sounding redundant? It seems to fit when I follow it up with the scriptures Neville points out. It’s certainly is a message that continues to give more light in revealing wisdom and understanding to me. All of Neville’s messages are like that for me, but this particular one "hits the nail on the head."




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