The Becoming God

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

We Are Faith Factories: BUILD!!

I went to a blood drive and happened to overhear the interview of the fellow before me. He was in his late fifties or sixties, and he excitedly explained to the nurse how important it was to have a good diet with plenty of iron to produce good hemoglobin, and how he ate many foods that were rich in iron - he even listed them! - and made sure to include iron supplements so that he would be able to donate blood. Oddly, and sadly, his blood sample failed the test, and he was denied the opportunity to donate.

By then I was being interviewed myself, but I immediately saw why, in spite of everything the man had done to make certain he would pass the iron test, he had failed. He had feared failure, and thus always imagined his blood failing the hemoglobin/iron test. His imagination had been a faith factory, and no amount of solution to the problem could supplant the cause he had created.

Our minds are faith factories. What we actually believe, accept, and assume does exist (or is possible) is what actually does become our experience in the future. "Faith moves first; then God moves in answer to faith," said Smith Wigglesworth (Hibbert, 1982, p. 72). What God moves to is the FAITH our imaginations have manufactured. If we accept it, so does He, for we are one. What we accept is the problem with our imaginations, for this part of Him is IGNORANT. In our ignorance we accept that we may be sick, may be poor, may be weak, may be diseased, may be oppressed, may be servant, may lose out on this, that, and the other--always the victim of Satan's whims.

Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) lived his life in this ignorance. Dying, he saw the truth and became as Abraham, the Father Full of Grace. The rich man always thought he was doing it, and never got it - he stayed in the hell of his ignorance. Believing it forward like Abraham is the trick I believe Siti is working on. If the iron man at the blood drive had always imagined himself grateful to God for his health and well-nourished body, I do not think he would have needed iron supplements to donate his blood.

What exactly do you want? Jesus said, "When you pray, believe you have received it, and you will have it" (Mark 11:24). I do not know, but is this some kind of rocket science we cannot comprehend? Imagine the world is as you want it, that it is the manifested answer to your prayer list.


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