The Becoming God

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Purple Curtain: America's End

I do not dwell on the End Times. There is a lot of confusion in the United States about America's role in them, though. If you really want to know, study William Marrion Branham's 1933 prophecy about the end of the Unites States. Branham also had an imagic world view, seeing this world in its Biblical reality. In that reality is structure of authority and responsibility. He saw the United States as a woman of late leaving her potential of holiness to the whoredom of Jezebel. He did not have kind words for it. He was against the American women's election of John F. Kennedy because Kennedy was Catholic, and he likened Rome to the aforementioned whore. He said there would be another Catholic President. He said a beautiful but cruel woman dressed in purple (he thought possibly the Catholic Church) would take over the Presidency, and then BOOM! A bomb blast shattering the rocks would leave the United States a smoldering stump. Do not worry about the rapture: you are not going to be here, anyway. The bomb could be figurative of unbridled apostacy, but all Branham saw was ashes and debris.

A pretty interesting prophecy worth trying to piece together. Wouldn't seem to be too far from being fulfilled. Possibly. Judgment is always tentative. Note that Branham advised his audiences to flee America into Christ. It is always the End Times because it is a running end. It is running for me; it is running for you; it is running for the nation; it is running for the world; and it will be running in our next restoration to life until we ARE in Christ. It is comforting to be in Him now.


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