The Bible is in Stories
The stories are illustrations of spiritual truths. Get familiar with the stories, for they are God's language. There are "Thru the Bible" presentations offered at many churches, I believe online, and in book form, like J. Sidlow Baxter's Explore the Book (1960. Grand Rapids: Zondervan). These acquaint you with what is in each book of the Bible. Read the stories for entertainment, read again for more relational detail, and read again with an open, receptive mind - what's this got to do with real reality? I remember taking a speed reading course during seminary and practicing on the Gospels. I had to stop from laughing so hard. God has a marvelous sense of humor I had never noticed before. I still read theology at about four words per minute. I'm not kidding - there is a lot of wrestling involved (I can hear a lot of theologians' heads nodding affirmatively).
Having some idea to wrestle with is a good motivator to study the Bible for all it is worth. There are big questions to figure out: like Calvinism verses Arminianism - which is correct? Are we under predestination or free will? Was the atonement limited? Is it a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation rapture that we await? Or is it no rapture, no tribulation? How does the dominion of the saints work? What is implied by "I will never leave you nor forsake you," and "Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory"? You might even like researching the application of the Mosaic Laws. Why were the Laws given, and who, if anyone, is obligated to obey them - just the Jews, the nation of Israel, all believers wherever they are, or all nations? Welcome to the fray.
You got a great thing going here brother. Welcome to the fray...
Unknown, at 3:57 AM
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