I Am Seeing Too Many Broads
If you search the Internet, you might be able to find information about the so-called Law of Attraction. On how to find success, how to create it, how to manifest it by imagining. On how to get rich, set up a kazillion dollar business over night, and live a life of worry-free luxury by repeating an affirmative, magic mantra for twenty minutes over seven nights. And the universe HAS TO give it to you (just send me the money to download my miracle course). Someone once said, "Broad is the way that leads to riches," or something like that. Matthew 7:13, I think. There are a lot of broads on the Internet. What are the statistics of broad-way ads on YouTube? Nine out of ten?
I wonder why anyone would go into the spirit to attain the material? It seems to me that if we go into the spirit, it is to proceed in that direction. Is there Someone that way Who might meet us halfway? He has an expression for the material wealth people on the broad path want: skubalon (Strong's Greek #4657). It quite literally means, "what is thrown to the dogs." I.e., refuse, garbage. It is translated as "dung." Poop. Your expensive cars, mansions, yachts, all your life of luxury and affluence -- your egotistical impression upon others, God calls "garbage thrown to the dogs." It isn't that you can't get it, but garbage has its cost. Ask Nebby. Woof?
Neville:law of assumption. Imagine life better for yourself and others is Neville's interpretation of the Book of Job.
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM
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