The Becoming God

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Heading For Healing 25: Have You Tried Crying?

I do not have any doctrine on this. Christ cried before the big one, the raising of Lazarus (John 11). I asked Jesus for the gift of tongues, found myself rejected of Him, and cried. He then walked me through to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I fantasized what Jesus had done for me. I saw Him flogged, going into shock - dying - carrying the cross FOR ME. I cried. Then He spoke to me, transcending from His spirit state to the audial nerves in my brain so that I heard Him audibly. As they were about to drive the spike into His right hand, He turned His face toward me and said, "Come unto Me."

Were there any doctrine here, it would be: be humbled and appreciate the Beginning with deep feelings to the point of tears. For He, the "Son" of God, died from the state of God to the ignorance of the universe. That we might become the Godhood with Him. Surrender, submit, and appreciate what He has done to give us Life. Accept it with praise and gratitude. And cry a bit. It's okay. It's all right. He promises to wipe away every tear.


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