The Becoming God

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

How is God Imagining You? Let Him Compel Change

With patience we imagined us. Now we are here. How is God imagining you? Pretty intense and thorough, isn't it? The earth is expansive, the breezes soft, hurricanes horrible. Gravity is a gentle, measured force, rocks are hard, weathering slow and permanent. And imagined. Everything is so real - love, friends, events, wars - life is real. And imagined. How is God imagining you? You are the answer.

We are part of the Ineffable, the (...?) Who is everything. The key is everything is imagination. Us, too. God gives you an imagination, a desire. It is a seed. The seed of an experience. What do you want? You want that experience. One of my favorite lectures is Neville Goddard's God's Law and His Promise. Neville wanted to be in his home in Barbados. Another time he wanted to be home instead of in the Army, and then to leave Barbados, or to hear a friend say, "It turned out just as I wanted." Rising on the tide of falling asleep, he imagined him as them - as him in Barbados, as him home permanently from the Army, as him leaving Barbados, as him hearing his friend. He changed his mind from his state to those states. That is repentance. He called it prayer. And God compelled change from his experience to those experiences. We call it answer, evolution. A lot of people are now calling this "manifestation," as if there were no God beside themselves.

Take your seed and imagine you in the experience of your seed fulfilled. Imagine it harvested. That is your speech, your naming what you desire. Sleep in it. And then let God compel its growth and eventual birth. Just be loyal to the seed planted, that in time it will be harvested in experience. Imagine you, like God imagines you, in the harvest, and He will bring it - compel it - to pass.


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