The Becoming God

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Israel is an Everyman: the Illustration then must have a Conclusion like the Season of Grace

I hope you have understood in your studies that Israel is a type, an illustration of every man - an everyman. Israel is you; you can find yourself in there somewhere. In Daniel 9, the illustration Israel is is used in an illustration, the Season of Grace, of what is going on in every man. From the going forth of the commandment to build the holy city every man is (the destiny every man is from the Beginning), comes the Season's conclusion in the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus the Anointing. According to Victor Alexander's translations of Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46, Jesus affirms his faith that "to this destiny (crucifixion) you have left me." Sorry, no forsaking, just the required completion.

That's the thing here: an illustration, in order to be complete, has to be completed. In the illustration the Season of Grace was, Christ died, the Temple was destroyed. Individually, we can do that in Christ. One died for all, therefore all died...if one partakes by faith. If Christ is rejected, there is the illustration the nation of Israel is, which to be the completed illustration has to go through the historical conclusion. You don't really want to do that.

The Ineffable One exists in at least three states: the Father, Its Spirit/Consciousness, and the Son/Manifestation. There isn't any distance or separation between these modes, they are simply the three spirit forms or states the Ineffable exists in, is forming and developing Himself in and through. They include us. Just as He flips/exists in all, so can we. So MUST we. We are His illustration after all. And He is not away from us. Only our heads aren't getting it. So we have to go open (not anywhere else) to Him by faith. HERE He is.


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