The Great Mind Ladder
I was a retard in guided imagery meditation, and met there the deceiving spirit who had been grooming me for possession. We were right up to it when all of a sudden I could see through its deception. Its hand was unwillingly tilted, and I backed out. All it needed to proceed was for me to lower my authority to it, to allow it to enter my mind and take over. For I was naturally of the earth, and it was naturally under it. I outranked it, so it had to get me to allow it to enter, for it could not enter without my permission (that might have been an artifact of my already having been a Christian).
I was stunned for a moment, not because it was there, but because someone else had enabled my mind's eye without needing my permission. The math was real easy real quickly. The person who'd had that power did NOT need my permission because he was of a HIGHER RANK AND AUTHORITY than I. Who could that be now? The sum was that I was going the wrong way.
This is a speculation about tiers. It is a scientific fact that we cannot see the whole of the universe because it is expanding so fast that the farthest light will never reach us. The speck of the universe we can see has hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with trillions of stars and with countless trillions of planets and moons. I have no doubt that the Ineffable manages it all, but what is the structure of that ministration? I know corporate, military, and government administrative organizations. The guy where the buck stops is a person just like me. But he or she has a whole bunch more responsibility, and talent to handle that responsibility, than I.
I found that my life was being monitored in that guided meditation. Jesus opened my eyes. The question I have is: was that YHWH's representative on a local level, i.e., an angel, or was it YHWH on a much higher--maybe galactic?--level, or was it the consciousness of the Ineffable Itself? YHWH is all, so any conscii doing His will is de facto YHWH saving us: Jesus. Is the whole of the Divine Consciousness levels and tiers of variously capable conscii? This inquiring mind wants to know.
What is your opinion of hypnosis or guided meditations today? I have received benefit from them, and I have given hypnosis to others, and seen people have breakthroughs. But now I worry it does open ourselves up to "evil spirits" and I don't know if it's possible to reclaim the practice in Christ or not. What are your thoughts?
Maia, at 8:48 AM
Christianity has a tendency to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The guided meditations I participated in were a form of hypnosis, but otherwise I have never been hypnotized. Been slain in the Spirit a few times. Those activities were not demonic; I was led to them so they could be USED by the devil. I had a friend at work who practiced hypnotism. I told him of my experience, that the demons could not get in me unless I let them. Some time later, he hypnotized himself, and was beset by demons. He was scared to death, but remembered what I had said, that they can't get in unless you let them. He found his confidence and authority, and they vanished. They are real, but they are not what they purport to be. I believe they are conscii who still hold to ignorance, to division from God, ignorance which God wants to get rid of, hence "under the earth." From a person who becomes in Christ, they seem to simply slough off. There is still a concerted effort to deceive and to perpetuate ignorance--their life! Simply be aware and cognizant of their lies. Camps Farthest Out might be something for you to look into. I think Glenn Clark and his friends might agree that they hypnotized themselves to worship and enjoy God. I had a book out yesterday, Windows of Heaven, to enjoy the pictures of my favorite saint, Frank C. Laubach. And there he was, eyes closed in meditation. And a heart full of God.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:26 PM
Glenn Clark, Windows of Heaven, New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1954, pg. 177 (also 61, 97).
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:37 PM
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