The Becoming God

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Still Another Interpretation of Exodus 3:14: "My abundance comes by imagination"

'Moses' means "a son born." That is you if you have a germ of the Gospel in you. You are then learning and searching. And what you want to know is how to have a good life: how to please God, do his will, fulfill his purpose for your life, and how to be a blessing to others; i.e., how to live in abundance, in the "jutting over" of God's riches.

Hebrew has a word for that, for "His excellence": Jethro. Strong's Concordance Hebrew Dictionary #3503. It is from #3498, yathar, to jut over or exceed. Our anonymous Moses was interested in God's excellence, Jethro, and meditated upon the idea (hence flocks for sacrifice). He saw not the Egyptian gods but Ashur, Chief God of the Assyrians. And God spoke up: "Moses." Son! I paraphrase: "Let's get real. I have been seeking you, and I see how messed up religion is making you. I am here to set you straight and to bless your life. I want you to clear up your mind."

"How can I clear up my mind?"

"Leave that stuff and be real here with me."

"Well, what are you?"

According to Victor Alexander's version of the ancient Aramaic text, God said his nature is "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh." Ahiyeh = I come; Ashur = imagination (the spark that kindles the fire); hiyeh = his coming (Jethro = God's abundance). 'I come' and 'imagination' are one unit, and 'God's abundance' is the subject being discussed. Hence, I interpret this as: "My abundance comes by imagination. Just know that the eternal Becoming One has also become you."

Please note that this is the beginning and basis of the whole Bible, that God’s abundance comes by imagination!!


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