The Becoming God

Thursday, December 21, 2017

LB Makes a Really Good Comment on My January, 2014, Post: “Neville Goddard's Mistake in saying, "’Only Two Things Displease God.’”

It was too good and clarifying to leave hidden in a 2014 comments section in fine print. LB clearly states what Neville was saying, correcting me and possibly many others. It is what Neville wants said: “So let it be written. So let it be done!” So here is LB’s comment (with slight correction in capitalization and punctuation for readability) from my 1/16/14 post, “Neville Goddard's Mistake in saying, ‘Only Two Things Displease God.’ There is only one” (

I was not trying to convince you of anything...I was telling you who you are. This is and was and has been the plan all along, the fall of man into flesh eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil ...God laid down inside of man in order to go through the furnaces of life by his own error. You are hung up on semantics with what Neville said about the two things that displease God; you are taking it way too literally to extract what he is really saying. He was not making a definitive scriptural quote; he was, by saying these two things displease God, referring to the awakening man who then has to intentionally make the choice to eating from the tree of life again, believing he is God, walking in love, moving away from judging unrighteously—thus creating a love life. If we go to Paul’s description of God, it is love period. So in this way Neville meant that the awakening man must please his godself by becoming love again..thus expanding in love, which is the whole entire purpose for the whole thing. The whole reason God laid down in man in the first place was to expand in love. Don’t get so caught up in semantics as much as trying to extract the meaning. Neville doesn't read like the bible, you have to take his work in as a whole and get the essence of what he shares to understand him. Peace, brother. xo LB

I hope my capitalization and punctuation changes did not alter any meaning LB had. You can see the original comment at the link above. Thanks for reading.


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