Neville Goddard's Mistake in saying, "Only Two Things Displease God." There is only one.
He was wrong.
I believe that God wants us to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Because without our having conscience from the that tree he can't steer us back to the Tree of Life. Jesus Christ is the Shining One who draws us Adams with his love. He imbues us with conscience from within ("you have robbed God who gave you this life, and you have wasted it"), and then he goes with us AS us: "Upon your belly you shall go, eating dust,"--our lives are that dust. When we become convicted of our sin in light of his perfection and see that it is good to be like him, then the journey begins.
Begins. We go through the education of religion. We bruise God's head--the fullness of his deity--by thinking that we are separate from him--"wholly other" the doctrine says--as if that were even a possibility. That is an insult to him. And he bruises our "heel," that is, afflicts our lives with suffering (which afflicting actually we cause to ourselves by our own ignorant thoughts manifesting-- because we are not separate, we ARE him).
He, God, is that holy Spirit who "breathed" into us the consciousness of being who we are. Inside, it knows that it is God, but having forgotten (to become us), we deny it. Our denying that we are God is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, for what else does it testify but that he is Jesus Christ within us, and that he is God. Ironically, it is retail religion that teaches us to blaspheme the Holy Spirit (BUT--it was God who sent me to seminaries to learn the scriptures and the doctrines--He is not afraid of them).
We are King Pharaoh who set ourselves up as other, separate gods and say, "Who is YHWH that I should worship him?"
So there is only one thing on Neville's list which truly displeases God: our failure to believe that I am He.
"I am He, because He became Me." THAT is what the whole of the Bible is about. And worthy is the Lamb who became us.
Which brings up another thing--the failure to "get" this message when we read the Bible. I just did a post venting about the inadvertent subversion of the Lord's Prayer. How about the perversion of Jesus into Satan in Genesis, and his imbuing of man with conscience as man's "fall"? Please! How about Paul's believing that "Jesus Christ" was a literal, historical man other than himself who was going to come back in judgment real soon (Thessalonians) instead of God's work within man (Ephesians)?
Or the belief that the creation of God's plan in six days was the creating of universal physical manifestation in six days. Or that Adam and Eve were two people instead of one. (I like to joke, "Actually, I am a lot of people.") Or that any of the Bible has to do with literal, "secular" history instead of being psychological and spiritual development. Or that Hell is some eternal elsewhere instead of being restored back to this world of death, the "outer darkness" of our afflicted, ignorant and blind lives.
There is a point to these "errors" in the Bible, these failures to perceive the truth even by the authors of it: our ignoranced consciousnesses develop. We have to work to find the truth. There is striving involved, mental investment, effort to growth. It takes time, but "You will find me when you search for "Me" with your whole heart."
No, I don't suppose that got across either. Think about it.
My take on the second action that displeases God is by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil we are consequently recognizing two distinctive powers. It is the same as not believing I am He or that the lord thy God is one. I equate it to the two greatest commandments in the bible, Love thy God... and love thy neighbor as thyself because He is all of them and they are all Him. God stated that He creates both good and evil so there is no separation of the two in His eyes.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the same as worldly wisdom which is foolishness in God's sight. So I do not think that Neville was wrong in his saying that there are two things that displease God.
Thank you for you time and your work. I just discovered your site within the past hour and already, some of your blogs that I've read have really helped me come to a full understanding of some of the topics I've been studying for years. I look forward to reading more.
Unknown, at 9:23 AM
Thank you for your observation and comment, Rashod. Yes. God does create both good and evil, but as for evil he doesn't like it. That is the good news: He has chosen Good. "Evil" in my mind is the ignorance we enter in becoming human. We thus enter into the sphere of this "death" -- forgetting him -- and by it sin. We are condemned doing what he hates, yet he is the one who created it and arranged for us to go through it to be propelled by it into becoming more like him. It is all one big mechanism to generate our character and ability to become his perfect manifestation. We are his emanation growing from infantile to full maturity. It sets our heads to spinning but he knows exactly what he is doing: becoming!
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 9:50 PM
If "God" imagination creates good and evil then how can it hate one? I feel as if it is not concerned with either. It follows principals and laws and what you create via imagination will manifest in a way called good and evil by humans. Its all good because this is a world of shadows and once you transition out of the present physical body it all dissipates as if it never happen. Humans only keep records of history anniversary and so forth to keep reliving the same things that are long gone only to hold on too, trap the mind and stir up emotions therby recreating the same events. We have to take control of our minds. Free your mind and the rest will follow.
Goddess Rebel, at 6:03 AM
Goddess Reb,
I believe there is an objective: the Manifestation of the Ineffable. The ignorance we have fallen into is part of the mechanism to meet the objective. Yes, imagination is bringing forth both good and evil, and both are useful to meet the objective, but only good is desired. Remember that evil means immature, unripe, bad tasting, and stupid. Dissipation may not bring punishment, for we are God and it is God we affect, but immaturity means restoration to same level, while maturity means "heading on up to the East Side, finally getting your piece of the pie." Or don't you remember the Jeffersons? NOT learning from history means reliving the same events possibly LITERALLY. We need to free our minds from the ignorance by learning the principles and laws that lead to maturity. There is an odd flip involved, I think: we need to take control of our minds, yes, not to subject them to our ignorance, but to submit and release them with confidence unto the good that is desired.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:14 AM
Dan, I love that you are exploring Nevilles work and trying to make sense of it, you have not yet come full circle to understand the bible as a truly allegorical work. It is all symbolism with hidden meaning, the authors of the bible are not wrong it is error in your understanding the language they spoke..for a reason. Neville also was not wrong, man is the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil..the inverted tree of life in which the ark of the covenant is hidden. the inverted mirror image of the tree of felled..the fall of man..and looks like an inverted mirror image..possessing the same power yet constricted in the physical to live life by the senses until knowing that self is god and can begin to get upright again and walk this earth as longer living life by the senses..the inverted tree in man..roots in the mind, trunk through the body, and flowering leaves that produce fruit in the torso and down into the human reproductive organs..can you see how man is creating by default by the the ark of the covenant in the bible it tells you a secret that the law..a jar of manna ...and aarons staff with bud (wood, part of a tree which is budding to life) is in the ark. our job as man is to realize our godself..that we are this inverted mirror image (made in the image of god) that we are creating by our senses thus eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil..judging unrighteously and the law is a curse to man until he knows he is living by it and then begins to realize the spirituality in the law and manifest life lovingly which is the path back to the tree of life. all of this is the law of inverse transformation or reversibility, and by that same law we can begin to create life intentionally as all techniques are based on this principle law. as within so without. neville was not wrong. he was a prophet. the bible is not wrong, one has to read it with new eyes. paul said do you not realize jesus christ is in you??? and he repeatedly talked of the mystery but neville revealed it. as per his calling and purpose. Paul said i use to see figures in the bible as human i regard them as such no longer. best wishes to you in your journey..xo LB
Anonymous, at 11:14 AM
Sorry, but you fail to convince me that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which we are is not God’s plan. The process we are going through is His tool to ultimately conform us to His Image. He wasn’t surprised by it. Yes, we judge unrighteously and are cursed by the Law, but we are Him doing it to Him and He doesn’t actually have a problem with it as long as we are making progress, which He Himself assures, as He is Christ in us. God is only upset, as it were, with one thing: that we do not recognize that we are He. And He is working on that.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:10 PM
I was not trying to convince you of anything...I was telling you who you are. This is and was and has been the plan all along, the fall of man into flesh eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil ...god laid down inside of man in order to go through the furnaces of life by his own error, you are hung up on semantics with what Neville said about the two things that displease God, you are taking it way too literally to extract what he is really saying, he was not making a definitive scriptural quote he was, by saying these two things displease god..referring to the awakening man who then has to intentionally make the choice to eating from the tree of life again, believing he is God, walking in love, moving away from judging unrighteous thus creating a love life..if we go to Pauls description of God, it is love period. so in this way Neville meant that the awakening man must please his godself by becoming love again..thus expanding in love which is the whole entire purpose for the whole thing..the whole reason god laid down in man in the first place was to expand in love. don't get so caught up in semantics as much as trying to extract the meaning. Neville doesn't read like the bible, you have to take his work in as a whole and get the essence of what he shares to understand him. peace brother xo LB
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM
Thank You
Could you please tell me how I could get in touch with “anonymous”?
Beverley, at 6:52 PM
I am sorry. I wish I could. But I have even less information about anonymous that I have on you. When comments are submitted through the blog post-a-comment section, I get no e-mail address I get the likes of "Beverley (" "Beverley" links me to your Google+ page, which usually has no information (like yours in this case), as it just gets created when people sign up to make comments. And Google+ goes dark this June, 2019.
Our only hope is if anonymous LB still gets notices of comments made on this post and YOU BOTH give me e-mail addresses to exchange, which I will happily do.
Anonymous? LB? Are you there?
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 9:43 PM
I stand corrected. When I said I have even less information about anonymous than I have on you, I had forgotten the e-mail I had received from Ms Loco. If you are Coco, I can get back to you.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:25 AM
well said brother. AMEN
Unknown, at 1:53 AM
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