The Becoming God

Friday, December 22, 2017

I Believe in a Mean Jesus, Too

Continued from “I Believe in a Mean Jesus.”

A mean Jesus is, I believe, anyone who awakens to the knowledge that he or she is the Ineffable Most High. This person becomes so absorbed in the anointing of the Ineffable’s consciousness that he or she manifestly expresses the PRINCIPLES of Its nature; i.e., they become Jesus Christ. The principles of the Ineffable are not manifest of themselves but are manifest by those who grasp them. And those who grasp and manifest them are adopted, as it were, by the Ineffable: “This day I have begotten you.”

So it is with the psychological attributes of those so anointed by the Holy Spirit. These attributes are states the anointed enter and exhibit. Translate the names (natures) of the disciples of Jesus and, O my—there they are. The states are eternal and remain as Apostles, available to whomever so anointed would enter them, grasping that they are the Ineffable and becoming so absorbed in Its anointing that they expressly manifest the Principles of Its nature—love, compassion, care, charity, etc.—toward the fulfillment of Its destined end.

I hope you will be, as I hope to be, mean in this way, too.

By the way, the Season of Grace between the destructions of the first and second temples in Jerusalem, which Season culminated in the appearance of the Anointing Manifest among those persons seeking God (those persons = the Messiah?), was a sign indicating not that that time was special and/or exclusive, but that that atmosphere of acceptance and cultivation is ALWAYS AVAILABLE AND OPEN TO US.

And when the Bible speaks of the Man of the Principle, “Let all the angels adore Him,” I believe it is speaking of the Ineffable of Whom the Principles are manifest in the anointed.


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