The Becoming God

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Law of Assumption: Perhaps It is Both the Big Bang and the Big Suck

I mentioned on June 23, 2017, that the Law of Assumption must be an expression of the nature of God. But it is odd: "assume that what you desire is past history and you are in its effect, then will come its cause." This reminds me of an idea I had some years ago when I read Neville Goddard's comments on the positron:

"I returned to New York City, and he sent me the 'Scientific News Letter,' dated October the 15th, 1949, in which he said: 'Now, Neville, I apologize for having said what I did. This man is far greater as a physicist than I am as a scientist. He is Professor Feynman, of Cornell University, one of the outstanding physicists of our day in speculative, theoretical physics; and this is his letter. And he wrote in this little letter, which was printed in the magazine, a story concerning the positron, a little particle that is produced in atomic disintegration. It’s like the electron, but differs in this respect. It is positive in its charge instead of being negative.

"Now, these are the words of Feynman, they are not mine. He says: 'The positron is a wrong-way electron. It starts from where it hasn’t been, and it speeds to where it was an instant ago. It is bounced so hard its time sense is reversed, and then it returns to where it hasn’t been.' (Now, this is Feynman, this isn’t Neville.) Then he goes on to say: 'When a little electron is moving speedily in space if it is bounced, it’s deflected, but continues on its course. But if it is bounced so hard, then its time sense is reversed, and it returns to where it hasn’t been.' 'Now,' he said, 'on the basis of this, we must now conclude that the entire concept that man held of the universe is false. We always believed that the future developed slowly out of the past. Now, with this concept which we have seen and photographed, we must now conclude that the entire space-time history of the world is laid out, and we only become aware of increasing portions of it successively.'

"This is 1949. That Professor, Richard Feynman, who is now at Caltech in Pasadena received the Nobel Prize last year for that paper. They held it up almost twenty years, for this is 1968 and he got it in 1967, and the paper came out in 1949. I didn’t know it as a scientist. I knew it as a mystic. I see it. I can’t explain why; I only know everything is. The whole thing is finished, and all I have to do is to adjust to it. If I know what I want for myself or for another, I adjust to it, because the thing is. Well, if I adjust to it and it feels natural, when it feels natural, then I open my eyes upon this world that I have shut out for that purpose. As I open my eyes, I am turned around. I have actually been where reason would deny that I have been there; and then, as I open my eyes, I have been speeding with the speed of light from wherever I have assumed that I am to where physically I am. Now I am so shocked to find that I am not actually there, but I am here physically. My time sense is turned around. And now, I move across a bridge of incidents – a series of events – that compels me to move towards the fulfillment of that invisible state!"

That is from Neville's lecture "Faith," but he mentions the phenomenon cited by Feynman in a number of places.

Oops, my Google search for the above quotation also brought up this:

Anyway, what occurred to me was that Feynman's description of the positron might be that of an electron going the opposite direction in time. It seems positively charged because of its time direction and to bounce back to where it hasn't been because of our sketchy observation of it from our time direction. As a consequence of this, the positron's experience of reality is not that of the universe's expansion from the Big Bang, but of a Great Implosion. Dust forms into old and becomes young. Planes take off and land backwards. Light goes into the bulb. Water does flow uphill. Everything future is past and all our past is its future.

This is just a fun idea. Or is it? Positrons have, if my conjecture is correct, already seen the horse race (starting from the winner's circle and run backwards to the start, at that!). They are just traveling from the great dissolution of the universe to the Big Bang itself, but as the Big Suck. ALL THE UNIVERSE EXISTS STATICALLY NOW, regardless of which way we are going. It isn't moving; we are. I am personally glad not to be going back to ovum and sperm forms, though that might be normal to the positron. But can we align the two? Can I assume the winner's circle and travel the positron's past to get there?

"Yo, positron dude. I am going to where you are from." Assume that you are the positron's past beyond the fulfillment of your desire coming towards you across the bridge of incidents. From our perspective it will be the bridge of incidents, the fulfillment of your desire, and then your assumed winner's circle state beyond that. I guess you just have to know exactly what you want and assume to "be" where you have been in the future. Maybe this is why the Book of Genesis starts at the end with the Son of God and the completed perfect Earth. Hmm.


  • Thank you for this, Dan. The story of Neville, Feynman and the positron is my single favorite Neville story - and a most crucial one, in my humble opinion.
    I have been thinking about it ever since I first came across it a year or so ago in the great Neville anthology "The Power of Imagination". I got as shocked as the little positron was.

    By Anonymous Marek, at 6:59 AM  

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