The Becoming God

Monday, April 18, 2016

We Are Not to Pray in Jesus' "Name," But to Pray According to His --YHWH's (Jehovah's) -- NATURE

The Hebrew word for 'name', shem, means the nature of a thing. If you would, when Adam named all the animals that God brought to him, when he named the chicken, the chicken did not become known as Mr. Chicken. It was just a chicken because it had the nature of a chicken. 'Chicken' wasn't its name, it was what it was.

We are told to pray in the "name" of Jesus Christ. This does not mean to invoke the sound of the word, his "name," or to claim his authority. It is to pray according to his nature, the nature of YHWH, who he is. Calling upon his "name" means to assume his nature - the IMAGINATION OF THE INEFFABLE, THE MOST HIGH GOD, because that is what he is. Because that is what we are! Because we are him in us.

We are supposed to find the nature that is really ours, and to imagine like the Father does. "I must be about my Father's business." What does you Father do? "He imagines. He creates by his imagining, and then what he has created comes to pass. This I must do, too, by imagining as he does."

Why don't churches have imagining classes?


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