The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

An E-mail From Ana, One of the Most Perceptive Persons

I received the following e-mail from Ana. In spite of some typos and slight grammatical errors, I easily understood everything she said (maybe because she writes better in English than I do), and I found her to be one of the most perceptive people I have ever read. If you are not familiar with the concept, there is a mystical belief that every letter in a word has its own meaning which it, in turn, contributes to the word it is used in. Ana marvelously expands on this in a comprehension of "universal orchestration": the world as music. Truly superior thinking. Brilliant. I wonder if she is teaching this stuff?

I decided not to edit Ana's missive. What she says comes through in full force just the way she says it. Sorry, all you guys who fall in love with her in this, to protect Ana's privacy I removed her last name from the exchange.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ana 
To: imagicworldview
Sent: Mon, Jan 11, 2016 7:48 am
Subject: JHWH

Dear Dan! Thank you for your explanation of word Marjah and One in God. Had experience of One but at the same time of going into dust, smallest particles held by power that holds everything together as one. Names used are impossible to translate into English yet when they are stripped letter by letter they say more than people grasp. Simple is to find mystery meanings behind those words letter by letter going back to ancient languages and than make like a globe out of it and break borders of one language only. Language and meanings and communication by words erects misunderstanding. Supernatural communication usually is complete, goes through your heart, mind your whole you. Our way of expressing leads to many, many mistakes. Wise men do not say much, they tell you to go and find out for yourself, to experience it, to get imprint on all senses. As soon as it is limited to one or two, say only language it becomes incomplete. At this moment I use my mind, my eyes, my touch, my heart partially but connection to all that I am is not there, most of it is not used. This is upside down way we are programmed by this world. To translate from one language to another when it comes to God's name is futile. How to put all there is in one name and then owe it. Impossible!!!!
You can try but you are taking away real essence. When it was translated into Greek same happened. Since you had supernatural experience you are aware that it is impossible to put into words, not even a picture since emotion, feeling is missing, sound is not there, movement of all dimensions and forces is not there, temperature, environment and so much more is not there, completeness Oneness is not there. When they say that is unspeakable it is the only proper translation since we still do not have total communication able to relate complete meaning.
When you learn eastern language say Aramaic way of expressing compared to English is like comparing literal English to symbols that tell you where Exit is or Stop you simply Stop not knowing anything else, why was that Stop put there in first place. Knowing meaning behind every letter is the start but letters have different sounds in same language never mind different languages. Say letter A in all languages of the world, imagine all the sounds from musical point of view. Where I,m going with this. When you mentioned hand hope you imagined all different parts of hand, positions of hand, best way to figure out all mudra positions or Fatima hand and all little lines on every finger all different, all hand positions on all the wold art to only scratch the meaning of that hand or letter. Same goes for letter A where all sounds and positions of that letter never mind of adding other letters in all directions and in all languages existing here and everywhere in the universe plus all different vibrations, colours and environments. For us to understand it we need to not ignore ancient in every culture to find our oneness and to find God in ourselves. At what point we separated languages so much that we can't understand ourselves to a point of hatred and killing each other ignoring God in us. How come we don't feel that incredible pain in us screaming: "Aaaaaaaaaauuuuuuu!" Start putting "A" before, above, bellow, behind and that is only our dimension we perceive. Look at how "A" can be sounded in all languages and musical scales and colours and vibrations. Imagine this is not even basic. Connection in YHWH word are all the other letters in whole world starting with "A" and all combinations of it from all sides and in all dimensions that we see and do not see, in ours and all existing positions and dimensions. How does letter "A" sound from inside that letter or from top, bottom or corner. Compare meaning, look, shape of say, letter "H" from ancient times in all languages to today, all combinations of them. If we really understood each other to the core and essence we would understand God. (Very improper and poor word by the way, just figure out meaning of every letter) Word God is very degrading in my opinion for what it represents in English language. Since English is modern language of most of the world we have no choice but to use it to the best that language can express. For me best translation would be with footnotes in all the languages. We have powerful computers today, it could be done but like you said our human brain is far behind and sluggish.
It was real pleasure to read your very insightful comment.
My English is far from good, sorry about that.

Ana, Sent from my iPad
Dear Ana,

I think your English is just great. I think I understand everything you are saying, all to which I agree. You are very perceptive, and I am flabbergasted that anyone can comprehend so much and communicate it as well as you have in any language. I love what you say about the inability of language to convey meaning because of the "upside down way we are programmed in this world." Exactly!

The English/Germanic word 'God' may be inadequate, but more adequate alternatives are not there. Each one, including 'God,' must be filled with meaning by the growing, expanding understanding of each individual. All we learn OF It (the ineffable Source) from all the words, titles, letters and scriptures of all religions, well, that is "God" or whatever you want to call It. The harder trick for me is to comprehend the Glorious No-thing, and then remove the mental wall that separates It conceptually from "me."

I am so glad you wrote. Thank You.


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