More on What God Said About Praying, and it wasn't "I am that I am."
Although many people base their theology on God’s saying TO Moses, “I AM THAT I AM,” I do not think God said that at all. I think those words are an undocumented alteration of the text by the Sopherim, and that the original words were the Hebrew equivalent of the Aramaic "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh," which I loosely translate as, "By entranced imagining, I myself come into his being.”
Say what?
I believe that the Sopherim revised the scriptures to PROJECT their dualistic sense of monotheism, of which "I AM THAT I AM" is a perfect example. It is absolutely monotheistic and perfectly separate. BECAUSE THAT IS THE WAY THEY UNDERSTOOD THE SCRIPTURES FROM THEIR MISREADING OF THEM.
They read the Bible, and still read it (yes, they are still with us), as a record of literal history. Their twisting of the scriptures was not an evil conspiracy, just human stupidity from that ignorance by which we all initially perceive the world—that we are the body and brain and not God’s spirit animating the body from the annexed brain.
The alternative—the ORIGINAL WORDS OF GOD IN MOSES—just wouldn’t work for them. Those words said in effect, “I have become everything, including you, and I am you becoming everything by the Power of God and the Wisdom of God, your imagination (the ancient name [nature] of God, Ashur).”
Yeah, way different.
So, in the context of Moses’ wondering about where miraculous increase, provision and abundance comes from, God in Moses, as Moses, explained the spiritual mechanics of praying—personally going into imagining what you want -- the coming of what you wanted—which is what He is doing 24/7 in eternity.
This suggests, does it not, that the Ineffable Supra-being, not having any corporal body, is imagining everything that DOES exist. I caught a line of thought somewhere, I think it was in a late Neville audio lecture, that the physical particles of the universe formed only to support the spirit experiences decreed by the imagining of the Ineffable . . . who has become us.
So, say a girl wanted to experience the sensation of swooning from a passionate kiss . . . AND SO IMAGINED THAT SWOONING-EXPERIENCE AS REAL, the kisser would manifest in the natural course of time to provide that the kiss to manifest that swooning experience. It is the experience of the spirit-being inside that “manifests in reality,” not its physical corollaries.
So it isn’t the million dollars we want to manifest, but the EXPERIENCE OF HAVING of such wealth as a million dollars by any means. “Believe ye receive the experience, and ye shall have.”
Yes, that is wishful thinking, BUT HOW FULLY CAN YOU SURRENDER TO THE DREAM WITHOUT BEING AFRAID? The Ineffable goes really, really far—my flesh feels concrete, cold and pain.
Of course, other factors related to the experience come into play. Like permanence of relationship, the circumstances and situation, intents and purposes, health, etc.
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