How Abdullah taught Neville Goddard how to be a Christian
Someone posted on how Abdullah, an old Ethiopian Jew, taught Neville Goddard how to be a Christian:
It is a pretty good summary of the prayer technique of Neville, Abdullah, and Joseph Murphy, so I am not going to explain it here. What may be difficult to grasp is the location or attitude of faith. Neville has indicated elsewhere (his book Your Faith is Your Fortune) that it is in meditation at the "Unconditioned Awareness of Being" level of consciousness, where you "know that you are because you are, but you are not aware of being any thing at all."
In that state of unconditioned awareness, believe that what you desire IS your reality. When you get its IS-my-reality established as your present, three dimensional reference in your mind, everything else will take on the sense of being distant and "flat."
Being (in your mind) "there," enjoy the imagined IS-state of your desire with those who would know you when the IS is physically manifest. For example: a woman who desired to be married would feel the joy and pride and honor of marriage to her husband, and might "hear" in her imagination . . .
"See my ring?"
"Yes, it's beautiful. You must be very happy."
"Yes, I really am."
Feel the joy NOW of then, and don't abandon the feeling. For you, the "future" reference IS present. You have moved to already being there. Be there when you fall asleep, and God will cause the steps of incidents to its manifestation.
The Person That's Behind
"Neville & The Law"
How Abdullah Taught The Law."
Is Myself...
Ronnie James Osbourne.
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Unknown, at 10:17 PM
Did Abdulla ever write a book?
Unknown, at 8:05 AM
Not that I have ever heard of. I would love to know what happened to his materials, what sources he used to teach Neville and Joseph Murphy. I have heard that we do not even know if Abdullah was the guy’s actual name or just an adopted monicker, a nickname. May I note that some people do not believe a Jesus would have promulgated his teachings to just a handful of people to change the world, but that is exactly what Abdullah has done: the Jesus/messiah of the Season of Grace continues.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:31 PM
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