The Becoming God

Friday, November 15, 2013

An answer to "Why does God allow suffering?"

"Is there a short answer to the question, 'Why does God allow suffering?'"

My answer: Yes. God allows suffering because he does not know that he can stop it nor how to stop it.

Which raises more questions: Why doesn't God know that he can stop suffering or how to stop suffering?

Because in order to have a certain human's conscious experience, the spirit (or consciousness) of God imagines the conscious experience at the level of that human being, and, becoming that, the spirit annexes the human's brain and dwells there as the human consciousness. 

Yes, God became you, and is now consciously aware only of being human and is NOT conscious of being God. He voluntarily laid aside his divine prerogatives -- the expression of his divine wisdom and power -- in order to wed the soul of the human. The two have become one flesh: the divine consciousness and nature of God and the carnal consciousness and nature of human are now one.

This is what Moses was talking about in the first chapters of Genesis: God formed aboriginal man from the dust of the earth and breathed his spirit of life into him or her, and the man became a living being with the spirit of God within him. That happened to each of us individually. Adam was not the ancient progenitor of the human race; he is the spirit progenitor of each of us individually.

Each of us is God's consciousness "self-ignoranced" of the awareness of being God. We dumbed ourselves down to the level of humanity. We became this level of man's consciousness so that man, whom we have now become one with, may be lifted to the level of God's consciousness when we ascend again. "Who shall ascend but he who descended?" That was us, and we're taking these dudes with us!

We "married" man to save man, but we had to become temporarily ignorant of being God to do it. We had to forget being Life in order to become enjoined with humanity in this experience of death. So it is we, God, who are allowing man to suffer, and we do this because we do not recognize that we are the one God who can stop it.

There is not another God in all the universe besides the one we are from and of. We are the Sent and are stuck with the God who we are, so if we want to stop the suffering in the world, LET'S SMARTEN UP! -- Let's receive the Holy Spirit and learn how to use the power and wisdom of God. Then we can stop the suffering. The ball is in our court -- we just haven't playing the right game!

This teaching is not common in the church because churches are made up of other self-ignoranced consciousnesses. We need to get our ultimate religion "wholesale," that is, directly from God. Learn how to read the Bible correctly and translate the proper names. The “names” are natures and states-of-being we either were, are, or are going to become. The whole Bible is about us and has to do with the psychological.

The characters in the Bible are vehicles for ideas, concepts and principles. Get a better translation of the Bible, such as Victor Alexander's translation from the Aramaic, or at least a better study Bible, such as Ethelbert Bullinger's Companion Bible. They may not hold to my doctrine, but they have been faithful to translate as well as they can what the Bible actually says. Then you yourself can discover what God means by what he says, as the spirit illumines.

I find this message in the Bible as plain as day, but few people believe it. It is so wonderful, so fantastic, they excuse it and make it to mean something else: "Christ in me is the hope of glory? Oh, that must mean something else!"

No, it doesn't.

We read the Bible, but we misread it, because our minds are keyed low. The Bible reads like history (a great mnemonic), and we believe it to be literal and historical because our minds are keyed low. Scripture's meaning is keyed high – much higher than we are used to thinking. The prophets wrote of spiritual dynamics, of consciousness and creative forces. How can we possibly understand scripture's meanings without ourselves being lifted up to its level? We can only be keyed up to God’s level by spiritual experience – he has to raise us up. Seek the living God and find him, become born to awareness from above. Then you can read, learn and "God."

'God' is a verb. God is what we are to DO. We are the Ineffable Most High's ACTION. What does he do? He creates by imagining: "Before the beginning, (the ineffable, Most High) IMAGINED the glorious spirit God of multitudinous spiritual "flamelets" (Hebrew: echad), the Heavens (I think these are minds/brains), and the Earth (physical representation)" (Genesis 1: 1, my translation).

And you, my little flamelet, entered the "heaven" of a human and now dwell here on earth, dumb-down to the level of its organic life plus whatever you have learned in this world. Yet, witness this: what you have imagined, believing, you have made your experience here. Now, remember where you came from and strive to return there.

Jesus said, "Come unto Me" (Matthew 11: 28). He is our imagination attached to our brains in our skulls – "heaven."

The Ineffable dreamed Its creative strength and glory as a "flame" composed of innumerable individual "flamelets." This is real meaning of 'Elohim': "Above the Flames"; that is, God, the strength above the flames of its glory, is manifest in the flames of his glory! Elohim is a singular word compounded with a plural ending – us! The Ineffable is One with myriad living “branches” emanating from it.

The great secret and revelation in Elohim isn't that the Ineffable, the Power above, is the flames; but that "flame" is its method of creating! "Flame" corresponds to the intensity and heat of focused, all-consuming, passionate, imagined desire, hence Adam's "rib." The Most High "so loved the world that It gave Its only Son (the entirety of Its experience in passion), that whatever 'flamelet' thence should enjoin Its experience would awaken to Its creative power and become aware of being It" (sounds like something John said somewhere). This is the process of creation!

The word LORD in Deuteronomy 6: 4 is YHWH in Hebrew, variously translated as Yahweh, Jehovah, Hashem and the LORD (Master/Father), AS THOUGH ITS SUBJECT WERE A SEPARATE BEING. The "word" YHWH, I believe, is actually a picture created from symbolic characters of the Hebrew alphabet which represents the process of the Ineffable's becoming. It is the flow of action undertaken by the Ineffable in imagining Itself into existence. The results of this flow indicates the reality and nature of the Ineffable. Moses called these indicative results "Jethro, -- His abounding excellence."

The New Testament is not a new episode of Israel's history, it is an explanation of the original, Mosaic perspective: Israel, God ruling as man, is Joshua – “Jesus.” The power and the wisdom of the Ineffable which is displayed in the flowing of YHWH is Jesus Christ -- "he hath revealed" (John 1: 18).

Why God doesn't stop suffering is because we are just asking the question instead of becoming the solution. We can imagine to be a world without suffering, and become it! It is given to us to so imagine -- for us to create the peaceable flow of the Ineffable. He said, "Ye are God . . . Arise, O God, for thou shalt inherit all nations!" (Psalm 82: 6, 8).


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